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Imagine the mantle (the hot bit under the Earth's crust), like a lava lamp. The hot magma, which has been heated right down at the very bottom, near the outer core, is less dense then the rest of the magma. It rises, like your lava lamp bubble, until it reaches the crust. If it's hot enough, the magma can melt it's way through to the surface, causing those things we call volcanoes to form.

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Q: How does interior heat reach earths surface?
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Why earths interior is warmer than earths surface?

Earth's surface is free to radiate heat into space. The interior is not. The interior does transfer heat the the surface, but rather slowly. It is hot due to residual heat from Earth's formation and from the heat generated by the decay of radioactive elements.

How is heat from earths interior transferred to earths surface by convections?

Beneath the surface of the earth temperature remains the same. Within the Earth, irregular convection cells within the mantle transfer heat from the core to the surface of the planet. Volcanoes and earthquakes are two examples of heat transferring from the interior to the surface.

Does heat from the earths interior reaches earth through conduction?

Heat from the earth's interior reaches the surface through a combination of convection and conduction.

How does heat from earth's interior reach the surface?

Someone turned an oven on

What is the source of heat in the Earths interior?

The primary source of heat in Earth's interior is residual heat left over from the planet's formation, along with heat generated by the decay of radioactive isotopes. This heat drives mantle convection and plate tectonics, resulting in geological processes such as volcanic activity and earthquakes.

What is energy from heat in earths interior?

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Does convections currents produce the heat in the earths interior?


Were does geothermal energy come from?

Geothermal energy comes from the heat stored beneath the earth's surface in the form of hot water and steam. This heat is generated from the decay of radioactive materials in the Earth's core and from leftover heat from the Earth's formation.

Current in earths mantle that transfers heat in earths interior?

The main mechanism for heat transfer in Earth's mantle is through convection currents. These currents are driven by the heat generated by the decay of radioactive elements in the mantle, causing hot material to rise and cooler material to sink. This convective motion helps drive the motion of tectonic plates and is a key process in the Earth's heat budget.

Why does the earths interior have to be studied indirectly?

the heat and pressure in the interior is not designed to sustain human life