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Q: How does lamarck explain diversity of organisms?
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What did Jean-Baptiste Lamarck do?

Lamarck hypothesized that organisms evolved through the inhertitance of acquired charactaristics.

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What did lamarck propose a scientific explanation for?

Lamarck hypothesized that organisms evolved through the inhertitance of acquired charactaristics.

Explain lamarck principle of use and disuse?

Lamarck proposed that by selective use and disuse of organs, organisms acquired or lost certain traits during their lifetime. These traits could then be passed on to their offspring. Over time, this led to a change in species

Lamarck proposed that organisms?

Lamarck proposed that organisms developed new features as a result of a 'inner urge' for improvement and that they passed on these improvements to their young/offspring. He did not accept that animals could become extinct.

Jean-baptiste lamarck proposed that organisms have what?

he proposed the organisms pass on "acquired characteristics" such as playing the piano.

What did Lamarck propose a scientific explanation for and why?

Lamarck proposed a scientific explanation for evolution because organisms evovled through the inherititance of acquired charactaristics.

How does Lamarck explain that organisms have a tendency to adapt and improve yet throughout the world the lowest forms of life still exist?

Obviously he was wrong. Organisms evolve, Evolution is not progressive, does not plan for the future and is not linear. The average tendency is for organisms to become more complex, but someone forgot to tell barnacles and tape worms, among others, as they have got less complex. Evolution is only change over time and Lamarck was wrong about ' improvements. '

What is diversity in organisms?


What are three areas of Lamarck's hypothesis of evolution?

Main points of Lamarck's theory are the following . 1 Changing environment produced need for new organs . 2 there is an increase in size of organs and organisms . 3 use and dis use of organisms . Inheritance of acquired characters .

Who theorized that organisms evolve by passing on advantageous traits to their offspring?

Lamarck did. Neodarwinism theorises that species evolve when gene frequencies change, not individual organisms. Larmarkism is true for epigenetic inheritance, favourable and unfavourable characteristics alike.

Why is diversity in organisms important and discuss what might if there as a lack of diversity in organisms?

because evolution can be successful if the immediate biodiversity stays in the organisms making them diverse and seperating them from the rest