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Recycling can reduce the number of landfills by not having as much glass/ plastic produces in them.

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Q: How does landfills help the environment?
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I know that landfills and incinerators hurt the environment. Which one is more dangerous and will trees be able to offset the effects?

You KNOW that, do you? Just how do you know that? Seems to me that landfills and incinerators HELP the environment. If it weren't for landfills and incinerators, where would we put all our trash? Just pile it up in the back yard? Dump it in the forest? Dump it in the ocean? Aren't we, in fact, REMOVING trash from the "environment" by putting it in landfills or burning it?

Are landfills dangerous to the environment?


What negative impact can landfills have?

There are many negative impacts that a landfill can have on the environment. Landfills can pollute the soil and stink up the surrounding area.

What is the definition of biodigredable?

it means it will decompose in landfills into stuff that is not harmful to the environment

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Why should batteries be disosed of safely?

the acid cant destroy the environment in landfills!

How are the CRT disposal methods destroying the environment?

The lead in the CRT monitors are thrown in to landfills.

How does food additive affect the environment?

Food additives can have negative effects on the environment when they are not properly disposed of. Improper disposal can lead to contamination of soil and water sources, affecting ecosystems and wildlife. Additionally, the production and transport of food additives can contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and pollution.

How will using a composter help the environment?

The decision to recycle instead of to put in the garbageis a reason why using a composter helps the environment. A composter allows materials that otherwise would end up in landfills instead to break down aerobically in the presence of adequate levels of air, heat and moisture. So the amount of garbage going into landfills is decreased.One of the reasons why an option other than landfills is important relates to the breakdown process. It isn't that breakdown doesn't take place in landfills. It does. But that breakdown is anaerobic, without the important role of oxygen. The result is the hallmark smell that landfills have from the presence of methane. Methane, which is a greenhouse gas, is absent from the aerobic composting processes that composters carry out. So a composter doesn't add to environmental pollution whereas landfills do.

Are landfills a problem in the US?

what do you think? big piles of trash.... it would be a problem anywhere for the environment

Are landfills are located at the edge of towns so that they do not harm people or the environment?

Landfills are supposed to be located at the edges of a certain place so that there is a place for it to fill. Since landfills have some stench in it, it should be located far away from crowded areas. Landfills have to be at an area with a depression so that it will not pile up to become a garbage mountain.

How do dry cells effect the environment?

The are not biodegradable and so do not naturally decompose into the environment. This means that more space is being taken up in landfills which ultimatly will have a negitve effect on the environment.