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Q: How does level of education of all concerned and involved or does it play a role and how?
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What level of education is needed to play lacrosse?

About 10 minutes with a good teacher

What triaining and education will a person need to go into the NFL?

You hve to play high level college ball

What education and training is required for being a baseball pro baseball player?

No education, but an extraordinary amount of skills. To play in the majors you have to be an exceptional player. Even then the chances are slim you will ever play in the majors. MLB players play at a level that very few men can achieve.

What rold did Catherine Beecher play in education for women?

The education.

How much education do you need to play in a band?

You don't necessarily need an education as playing in a band is about the talent that you have! Added: However, if you are talking about a professional band, like an orchestra or higher-level jazz band, a degree in music is fairly common.

Do you have to have an education to play in the NFL?

yes you have to because if you do not you can not play in the NFL.

What level of education do you need to be a football referee?

Depending on where you will referee and what level, it will vary. If you are looking to referee little league games, there is no required education. There may be an age limit and you will be required to take a training course.

Do you need education to play baseball?


How do you use concerned in a sentence?

I was concerned that Sophie did not want any chocolate.I was concerned about my dog as he wouldn't play fetch.We became concerned when she didn't show up for work that day.As far as I'm concerned, the deal is done.If you're concerned about getting the flu, wash your hands frequently.Concerned about the child's cough, she brought him to the doctor.

What mean the operating automatically configures new devices as you install them?

Plug and Play - for those studying in a college level introductory to computers. I know this question is arguable (as most of them are) but the people that provide who created this "college level material," are probably more concerned about profit rather than educational ethics.

Farce used in a sentence?

"The play we saw was so stupid and foolish, we considered it a farce." It might need some improvement, but it is correctly used, depends on what education level your on, that if this would work or no.

How is education important in Canada?

because education is important to do anything even to play hockey