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it affects us by giving us warm wind and cold wind so we are good and have a better lifestyle

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1mo ago

Local winds can impact human culture by influencing activities such as agriculture, fishing, and outdoor events. For example, the sea breeze can provide relief from heat, making coastal areas more desirable for living. Winds can also affect traditional ceremonies or events that depend on particular weather patterns. Additionally, strong winds can impact transportation and energy production in certain regions, influencing the economy and lifestyle of the local population.

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Why does local wind differ from global winds?

Global can affect anyone in the world while local is just in your area.

How are global winds and local find similar?

Global winds are local winds.

Winds specific to a local area are called?

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The answer is local winds

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local winds

How are local winds different from global winds?

Local winds are small-scale winds that only affect a particular area or region, such as sea breezes or mountain winds, and are influenced by local topography and temperatures. Global winds, on the other hand, are large-scale winds that span across the Earth, driven by the rotation of the planet, the distribution of land and water, and solar energy. Global winds like the trade winds and westerlies are consistent and play a significant role in shaping global weather patterns.

How do seasonal winds affect climate?

seasonal winds affect climate

Were do local winds occur?

Local winds occur on lakeshores or seashores

What are local winds?

Local winds are winds that are influenced by local geographical features such as mountains, valleys, or bodies of water. They are usually short-lived and can vary in speed and direction, depending on the specific local conditions. Examples of local winds include sea breezes, valley breezes, and mountain winds.

What are two local winds?

Cool and Hot winds

Do local winds only occur in one place?

Every place has its own local winds.

What are winds specific to an area of region called?

Winds specific to an area or region are called local winds. These winds are influenced by the local geography, such as mountains, bodies of water, or urban areas, and can have a significant impact on the weather patterns in that specific area. Examples of local winds include sea breezes, mountain breezes, and valley breezes.