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This especially happens in the rainforest. When trees are chopped down the rain can reach the soil and leaches it (drains away any nutrients) if there are trees it can take up to 10 minuets for rain to reach the ground because of all the layers which means the soil doesnt get leached

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3mo ago

Logging can accelerate weathering of rock and soil erosion by removing the protective vegetation cover that helps to shield the soil from the impact of rain and wind. Without vegetation, the soil becomes more susceptible to erosion, and the roots of trees that help bind the soil together are no longer present to stabilize it. This can lead to increased runoff during rainfall events, washing away soil particles and causing sedimentation in nearby water bodies.

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How do waves cause weathering and erosion?

Waves can cause weathering and erosion by continually pounding against rocks and cliffs, gradually breaking them down through mechanical weathering. This process weakens the structure of the rock, making it more susceptible to erosion. The action of waves also carries away the fragmented rock particles, leading to erosion of the coastline.

How can erosion cause weathering?

Erosion can cause weathering by wearing down rocks and transporting particles, exposing them to different environmental conditions. This exposes the rocks to more physical and chemical processes that contribute to their breakdown and eventual disintegration, leading to weathering.

Does erosion cause more change than weathering?

Erosion and weathering are interrelated processes that work together to break down and transport rock material. While erosion physically removes the material from its original location, weathering breaks it down chemically or physically. The combined effects of both erosion and weathering can cause significant changes to the Earth's landscape over time.

How does unloading contribute to weathering?

Unloading contributes to weathering by relieving pressure on rock layers, which can cause expansion and fracturing of the rock. This can lead to the breaking off of outer layers of rock, increasing surface area exposed to weathering processes such as erosion and chemical weathering.

Can ice cause weathering and erosion?

Yes, ice can cause weathering and erosion through a process called frost wedging. When water penetrates cracks in rocks and then freezes, it expands and exerts pressure on the rock, eventually causing it to weaken and break apart. Over time, this can lead to weathering and erosion of the rock.

Related questions

How do waves cause weathering and erosion?

Waves can cause weathering and erosion by continually pounding against rocks and cliffs, gradually breaking them down through mechanical weathering. This process weakens the structure of the rock, making it more susceptible to erosion. The action of waves also carries away the fragmented rock particles, leading to erosion of the coastline.

How can erosion cause weathering?

Erosion can cause weathering by wearing down rocks and transporting particles, exposing them to different environmental conditions. This exposes the rocks to more physical and chemical processes that contribute to their breakdown and eventual disintegration, leading to weathering.

What rock can be changed into sediment by weathering and erosion?

Any and all rock can be changed into sediment by weathering and erosion.

How can nature change the rock cycle?

By weathering and erosion. The types of weathering used is:physical weathering- when a plant grows inside a rock and the roots break it apart; abrasion- mechanical weathering - erosion- and chemical weathering - acid rain, water weathering and erosion.

Does erosion cause more change than weathering?

Erosion and weathering are interrelated processes that work together to break down and transport rock material. While erosion physically removes the material from its original location, weathering breaks it down chemically or physically. The combined effects of both erosion and weathering can cause significant changes to the Earth's landscape over time.

How are weathering erosion and deposition related to the rock cycle?

by weathering

What is the process that break down rock called?

Weathering or erosion.

What step in the rock cycle helps sedimentary rock to from?

Erosion of igneous and metamorphic rock

What combination of process can transform a metormorphic rock to sediments?

Metamorphic rock can be transformed into sediments through the processes of weathering, erosion, and deposition. Weathering breaks down the rock into smaller pieces, erosion transports these pieces to new locations, and deposition settles the sediments in layers. Over time, these sediment layers can be compacted and cemented together to form sedimentary rock.

How does the igneous rock change into sedimentary rock?

Weathering and erosion.

Sand is made by?

The weathering and erosion of rock.

What is movement of rock through weathering?
