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The manufacturing process by which aluminum foil is made is a classic example of the malleability of metal. Malleability is the property of a metal that allows it to be worked or formed without it cracking. And aluminum is superb in this light. Aluminum foil is made from a big block of refined (pretty pure) aluminum, and this sucker is big. Hey, follow the link to the TechEBlog and watch the short video! It's got it all! From melting refined aluminum "pigs" to getting a big (big!) block of aluminum to rolling it out! Well worth the time and the (little) effort!

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Q: How does making aluminum foil demonstrate a metal's malleability?
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Term that describes the describes the ability of many metals to be pounded into thin sheets?

That property of the substance is its "malleability".

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Malleability is an example of a?

Malleability is a property of metals. Other properties include ductility and conductivity.

What is hydrogens malleability?

Doesn't have one. It's a gas;malleability is only measured for metals.

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Malleability is a physical property of metals.