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In the 30's, the government conducted a series of tests on primates relating to brain function with continued use of marijuana. They started the primates on a number of joints a day, then after no sign of brain cell damage they hooked them up to gasmasks with 300 Columbian strength joints hooked up to a gas system. When the primates inhaled, they were inhaling little to no oxygen, and this continued for hours upon end for months straight. The suffocation led to permanent brain damage. The scientists, looking for something to dish out to the government to make marijuana illegal, blamed the brain damage on marijuana. But tests since then have proved this theory wrong again and again. Recent studies show that marijuana may stimulate brain cell function.

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15y ago

It doesn't, that is a lie made up by the gov., ..."marijuana has been scientifically proven to increase brain cell growth by 60%", it is a scientific fact, look it up.

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Q: Why do people think marijuana kills brain cells?
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Marijuana kills brain cells.

Do marijuana brain cells grow back?

This question is invalid. Are you implying that marijuana kills brain cells? If so, that is not correct. Marijuana has never been proven to kill brain cells in any peer reviewed study to date.

Does marijuana have any good use to the human body?

No, it kills your body and your brain cells

Does weed kill your braincells?

No that is not true. There have been no studies that prove Marijuana kills brain cells.

What is the effect after smoking marijuana you do it?

it can get you addictedwhen you smoke it but it also kills some brain cells,then makes you high.

Does marijuana offer any real medicinal help for pain?

Yes very much so and If people say it kills you, it doesn't, it doesn't kill brain cells, and no one has ever died of marijuana

How many brain cells are killed by using marijuana?

None. The thought that marijuana kills brain cells is a common misconception. It offers neuroprotection, meaning it protects nerves and brain cells. There is also some evidence that it may facilitate brain cell development. The US DHS confirms the scientific research that marijuana can be used as a neuroprotectant and antioxidant, it hold the patent to these uses patent no. 6630507

What are the precautious of Marijuana?

Dont smoke it. Eat it, vaporize it, drink it. Smoking anything kills brain cells and and is bad for your lungs.

How does marijuana effect the organ system?

Marijuana alone has no effect on your body, but smoking anything is bad for your lungs (respiratory system) and kills brain cells (nervous system)

Each drink kills how many brain cells?

It's an old myth that alcohol kills brain cells.

What does smoking marijuana do to your mind?

relaxes your mind...makes u more humble it also lets your thoughts run...and kills brain cells

Does alcohol kill more brain cells than marijuana?

Both alcohol and marijuana can have negative effects on brain cells. Chronic alcohol use has been shown to result in the death of brain cells, while research on marijuana's impact on brain cells is ongoing. Both substances should be used in moderation to minimize potential harm.