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More Exercise=More demand for energy

More demand for energy=More Respiration

More respiration=More CO2

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Q: How does muscular activity affect the amount of carbon dioxide produced by a human?
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Which of the followin factors would most directly affect blood flow through the circulatory system?

muscular activity

How does volcanic activity affect carbon dioxide?

it seperates the diatomic molecule and makes it a monotomic molecule, or carbon monoxide

When a metal carbonate reacts with an acid carbon dioxide is always produced what factors might affect the volume of gas produced?

The mass of the carbonate used.

Do Rabies affect the muscular system?

In advanced stage of the rabies, you get paralysis of muscles.

How does how fast you're breathing affect cellular respiration?

the breathing rate and volume of each breath increases to bring more oxygen into the body and remove the carbon dioxide produced. the heart rate increases, to supply the muscles with extra oxygen and remove the carbon dioxide produced.

What are the two disorders of the muscular system?

There are many disorders that affect the muscular system. Two that may be best known are muscular dystrophy and Lou Gehrig's disease.

Will sleeping with plants in the room cut off your carbon dioxide supply?

Carbon dioxide is produced by the human metabolism, so you make your own. It doesn't affect you in the slightest if there are plants in the room which absorb some of the carbon dioxide that you produce. If anything, you benefit from the oxygen that the plants produce.

What are two injuries that affect the muscular system?

The primary injuries that affect the muscular system are strains and sprains. But inflammation and irritation of nerves is the biggest source of pain after injury.

Why does alcohol affect the muscular response?

Alcohol acts as a depressant. That is, it slows the functioning of the body, including muscular response.

What would happen if the nervous system was not functioning properly. How would this affect the muscular system?

What would happen if the nervous system was not functioning properly? How would this affect the muscular system?

Describe two condtions that affect the muscular system?

Two conditionsa that affect the muscular system: Duchenne Muscle Dystrophy (DMD) and Myotonic Mucsle Dystrophy (MMD). DMD is the most common childhood form of muscular dystrophies while MMD is the most common adult form of muscular dystrophies.

How does muscular arthritis affect the brain?

As there is no such thing and the brain has no muscles in it I strongly doubt that it has any affect