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Under natural selection, not all genes are successful, but those which are will progress to the next stage of selection.

Mutations introduce new genetic information to an organism's genetic code, providing more genotypes to create more phenotypes, which can be acted on and potentially more suitable ones to be selected.

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13y ago

Random mutations in DNA, although more likely to have deleterious effects to the organism, can create new phenotypes that may do better than others in the environment. In this way, this genetic variant may produce more offspring, and thus pass on this advantageous mutation.

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12y ago

They help each other by gradually accumulate in a species, while unfavorable ones may disappear. Over a long time, natural selection can lead to changes.

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13y ago

Mutations provide the 'raw material' that natural selection uses to determine 'an organism's fitness' to a) compete, b) thrive and c) to reproduce - and hence to Evolve.

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10y ago

Natural selection is the 'guiding force' of evolution. It determines in what 'direction' a population will evolve.

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What are genetic mutation and natural selection?

Together, genetic mutation and natural selection determine in what 'direction' evolution proceeds.

What two factors are responsible for evolution?

Mutation and natural selection.

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Mutation and Natural Selection

What is mutation and how is it related to evolution?

A mutation is any change in the DNA. Mutations provide the genetic variation that evolution by natural selection needs to select from.

What is a mutation and how does it relate to evolution?

A mutation is any change in the DNA. Mutations provide the genetic variation that evolution by natural selection needs to select from.

Is natural selection a process or a result of a process?

Natural selection is only the result of changing environments, mutation and the variation resulting therein. Natural selection is the process of adaptive change and the main mechanism of evolution that leads to speciation. Natural selection is a process as mutation and variation are grist to the mill of natural selection.

What are the four processes that lead to evolution?

Mutation, Natural Selection, Migration, and Genetic Drift.

What are the 4 mechanisms by which evolution can occur?

genetic drift, mutation, natural selection, and migration

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genetic drift, gene flow, mutation, natural selection and nonrandom mating ( sexual selection ).

How can mutation affect evolution?

Mutation can serve up the raw variation that natural selection selects from, thus alleles are changed over time in populations of organisms; evolution.

What process thought to have changed the genetic code over billion years ago?

Basically, random mutation and natural selection. With a little genetic drift and gene flow thrown into the mix. Evolution, the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms.

Does mutation depend on evolution?

The mutation theory is basically stating that mutation is one of the major factors that cause evolution. The mutation has to be a beneficial mutation, meaning that it has to help the survival of the organism that got the mutation. The mutation causes knew genes and diversity which can spread quickly throughout a population and eventually change the frequency of alleles (causes mutation) Remember the mutation has to be beneficial to the survival of the organism.