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Q: How does natural selection help few species to survive?
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How natural selection help few species to survive and how few others got extinct?

how natural selection help some species to survive and few got extinct

When traits that help an organism survive so it has a better chance to reproduce?

natural selection

Why does nautral selection occur?

Natural selection is part of the scientific theory of evolution. What occurs is that in a population of a certain species, there will be variations. Some variations will help organisms survive better than other. Nature "selects" those traits that help organisms survive. Thus, animals with better adaptations survive longer and reproduce more so that eventually, those adaptive traits become more widespread.

What the difference of selection and variation?

Selection or 'Natural selection' means that the organisms that are better adapted to their environment are most likely to stay alive and produce offspring, while Variation means that during natural selection, the organism that is better adapted to the environment starts to form more physical features to help it survive (mutations). For example, Say that there was a white desert. If there were 2 mice, one species is black while the other is white, white would survive, which would be an example of Natural Selection. Variation is if, say, the mice are slow and can still be easy prey, but later on they mutate into becoming faster, that would be variation.

How does instincts help humans survive?

Natural instincts are what help all animals to survive. Without them, we wouldn't know or feel the need to eat, reproduce, learn, evolve and improve our species.

How do variation and natural selection work together to cause evolution?

They help each other by gradually accumulate in a species, while unfavorable ones may disappear. Over a long time, natural selection can lead to changes.

What theory is an evolutionary concept that suggests that behaviors that help an organism survive are passed on while weak behaviors are lost?

This is the theory of Natural selection.

How did Darwin explain why Galapagos species had different adaptions and similar South American species?

Define the term Variation and natural selection how do they work together to help cause evolution

What does natural selection act upon?

Natural Selection is driven by random mutations and sexual reproduction. Organisms produce more offspring than can survive. These offspring compete for resources for food and water and who can aviod stuff such as predators and disease. Sexual Reproduction allows a population to have variation. If all of a population was the same, then it could easily die out if it had a adaptation that decreased its chance of survival. With sexual reproduction, all of a population has some sort of variation. Random Mutations allow organisms to gain new adaptions to help them survive in their environment. Together, Random mutations and sexual reproduction allow organisms that can survive in their environment survive and pass on their genes to their offspring.

How does natural selection help make a species stronger?

it makes them better adapted to the environment so they will live longer and produce more offspring.

What did Charles Darwin contribute to science?

Charles Darwin proposed the Theory of Evolution or Natural Selection. The theory of evolution by natural selection, first formulated in Darwin's book "On the Origin of Species" in 1859, is the process by which organisms change over time as a result of changes in heritable physical or behavioral traits. Changes that allow an organism to better adapt to its environment will help it survive and have more offspring.

How does having a diverse gene pool help a species survive?

It creates genetic variation within the species allowing them to adapt to changes in their environment through the process of natural selection. Species without genetic diversity are at a greater risk for unhealthy reproduction because they will have a greater tendency to produce offspring with recessive genetic diseases.