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The law doesn't affect gravity; it describes it.

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Q: How does newtons law affect the force of gravity?
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How does gravitational force affect acceleration?

The force of gravity causes objects to accelerate (speed up) when they fall. This is because of newtons law F=MA force equals mass times acceleration, meaning when you put a force such as gravity on a mass it will accelerate the mass

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Gravity exerts a force; the Second Law states that such a force will cause an acceleration, which can be calculated as:a = F/m (acceleration = force divided by mass).

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The Universal Law of Gravitation is a force equation, therefore it should have units of Newtons.

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It affects it by newtons 1st law that an object at rest or motion will stay as such until acted upon by an outside force. -Metallica Man

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there is a net force (gravity), which pulls it down, and as stated by newtons law, if the forces are not balanced on an object then the object will accellerate in the direction of the force, in this case, gravity is the force

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For every action there is a equal and opposite reaction... aka newtons 3rd law of motion. hoped that helped :)

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newtons first law: she will not move unless an outside force acts upon her, like her feet moving or her partner moving her!

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the second law of motion states the relationship between force, mass and acceleration. acceleration= force/mass