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Nitrogen is carried from soil into the xylem of plants. Without water plants cannot get nitrogen and other nutrients from the soil. Therefore water carries out more than one function to aid in the growth of plants.

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Q: How does nitrogen move from the soil into the xylem?
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How does nitrogen in the soil move into a cow?

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How do substances taken in from the soil move through the plant?

Through the process of translocation - within a system of vascular tissues, xylem and phloem

How do nutrients get from soil to xylem?

roots hold a plant in place of the soil. like roots ,stems have vascular tissue. this helps support plants .the xylem and phloem in stems connect to those same tissues in the roots .together, the move food for the plant between roots and leaves.

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Does soil contain nitrogen?

Yes, soil does contain nitrogen.

How can someone increase the nitrogen in the soil?

Lightning increases nitrogen in the soil

A plant grows in soil that has been contaminated with toxins. Through which structure would the toxins first spread into the plant?


What does not increase the amount of nitrogen in the soil?

It doesn't. Harvesting removes soil nitrogen

Nitrogen in the soil is used by what?

nitrogen in the soil is used by both plants and animals.

What are the different ways by nitrogen in the air reaches the soil?

Nitrogen can enter the soil from plants such as legumes which fix nitrogen in their roots. Also dead plants and animals add nitrogen into the soil.

Are the cells that move water in plants the xylem or phloem or cuticle or none of those?


How nitrogen in soil is detected?

All soil contains nitrogen - it is a matter of how much. The relative amount of nitrogen in soil can be determined with as small soil sample and a reagent for nitrogen from a soil test kit (simple soil test kits are sold in every garden center). The results do not tell you the "amount" of nitrogen in the soil, only if there is enough for healthy plant growth, or if the amount of nitrogen is too poor for healthy plant growth