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This is really a rather delicate question, given the innumerable meanings it could hold and imply. The first thing that must be made clear is that 'radiation' is a commonly misunderstood term. Often, when a layman hears 'radiation,' their immediate thought goes to radioactivity. Radioactivity, however, is associated only with nuclear radiation, quite a different item from electromagnetic radiation. Henceforth, references to 'radiation' will be specifically to electromagnetic radiation unless otherwise stated. A second misconception in need of clarity is the idea that radiation is dangerous. Yes, radiation can be dangerous. But so can water, but it's also necessary. A very common deficit in knowledge regarding radiation is as to its nature; it is too seldom known that electromagnetic radiation is simply the scientific term for light. There are seven main classifications of light (from least to most energetic): Radio, microwave, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, x-ray, and gamma. Earth's atmosphere is largely opaque to most of these, except visible and radio. There are many practical, and in some cases, essential applications of these different forms of radiation. So far, only gamma, x-ray, and ultraviolet light have been proven to have adverse effects: gamma rays are energetic enough to disintegrate complex matter, and x-rays and ultraviolet light both have been shown to activate oncogenes in animal cells, causing development and metastasis various forms of cancer. There have been studies suggesting that infrared, microwave, and radio waves can cause minor damage to the brain, musculature, and soft tissue, however, none have been conclusive. If you wish to avoid possibly damaging effects of radiation, the simple solution is to limit exposure. Tanning beds and large exposure to sunlight provide unhealthy doses of UV radiation. Frequent medical x-rays can cause damage as well, which is why radiologists and radiographers must be thoroughly shielded in the line of work. Gamma rays do not naturally occur on Earth, and any source of gamma rays that might pose a threat from space would be unavoidable, so you need not worry. Other forms of radiation are difficult to avoid, being everywhere in one's daily life. You can simply try to avoid overexposure, and live healthily otherwise.

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1w ago

To escape or get away from radiation, you should move to a safe location that is shielded from the source of radiation. If possible, increase the distance between yourself and the source of radiation. It is also important to follow emergency response procedures and seek medical attention if necessary.

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15y ago

magic.... you dont get away

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