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Strips of oceanic crust on either side of the mid-oceanic ridge mirror the magnetic alignment of their mirror image on the other side of the ridge. Their specific magnetic alignment was formed at the time of solidification from magma. This stripe pattern in the mirror images of crust on either side of the mid-oceanic ridge indicates that new crust is being formed at the same time on both sides of the ridge simultaneously. This is the mechanism of plate movement.

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Q: How does paleomagnetism help to explain plate tectonics?
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The theory of plate tectonics helps explain the location of earthquakes, as they frequently happen along fault lines.

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Volcanoes don't help plate tectonics; volcanoes are the result of plate tectonics.

The theory of tectonic plates help to explain?

The theory of plate tectonics helps to explain how earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur.

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Question is too broad. How do they help what? Are you asking how plate tectonics WORK?

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The theory of plate tectonics helps to explain how earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur.

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*of, sorry

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They could detect sound waves

How will knowing about plate tectonics help you?

ill help in geography i know all about them its really quite interesting

Can technology help to control plate tectonics?

yes it can for example satellie technology that monitors the movement of tectonic plates.