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The best description of the feeling is like....When you "Jam" a getting Basketball off the tip of a finger wrong....suddenly feels swollen but my not be..., hot, tingly, hypersensitive and numb at the same time. Now, my whole hands feel this way...not just a finger. And at times the intensity of this jammed finger feeling is 2 or 3 times that of just a jammed finger. Best "picture" I can paint here.

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Jeffrey Mullins

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7mo ago
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13y ago

In the hands, many people with this disorder must wear a brace or some sort of support. They lack their previous dexterity and fingers become numb. Manual tasks become difficult or almost impossible.

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Q: How does peripheral neuropathy affect the hands?
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What does diffuse peripheral neuropathy affect?

Diffuse peripheral neuropathy primarily affects the limbs, damaging the nerves of the feet and hands. Autonomic neuropathy is the other form of diffuse neuropathy and it affects the heart and other internal organs

What are effective treatments for numbness in the feet from peripheral neuropathy?

If you have numbness in you hands or feet, it might be from peripheral neuropathy. A possible treatment that may help, would be going to see a chiropractor.

What is a painful condition of the nerves of the hands and feet?

One painful condition of the nerves of the hands and feet is peripheral neuropathy.

Can you tell you more about peripheral neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy is a condition that affects the peripheral nerves. It often causes weakness, tingling, pain, and/or numbness of the hands and feet. If diagnosed and treated early, peripheral neuropathy can often be controlled.

Is peripheral neuropathy a painful condition of the nerves of the hands and feet?

That's one possible manifestation.

What is another name for peripheral neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy is also known as somatic neuropathy or distal sensory polyneuropathy.

Can radiation therapy to pelvic area cause peripheral neuropathy?

Yes. It can cause the peripheral neuropathy.

What are the ethnic vulnerabilities to peripheral neuropathy?

Race has not been found as a contributing factor in the onset of peripheral neuropathy.

Can a person die from idiopathic peripheral autonomic neuropathy?

There is no usual evidence that indicates that idiopathic peripheral autonomic neuropathy is fatal.

What is the difference between peripheral neuropathy and polyneuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy three types-Focal,Multifocal (mononeuropathy multiplex)and generalized (Polyneuropathy)

What is the definition of diabetic peripheral neuropathy?

Diabetic Peripheral neuropathy is nerve damage caused by chronically high blood sugar and diabetes. It can lead to many things including but not limited to numbness, loss of sensation, and sometimes pain in your feet, legs, or hands. More can be found at

Where can you find information about peripheral neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy is the damaged to the your neurological nervous system which is caused by birth or trauma. No it is not related to your eyes, that is false.