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Population density is the amount of people living in an area per square mile (miles, for ex.). The number of people living in any one area is determined by the desirability of the area. For example, nice weather, access to employment, interesting cultural events, abundant food, people with similar lifestyles.

If you look on a world map you will see that the population is always the most dense near water, whether it be a lake, river, or ocean. Long before manufacturing was around, people would obtain desirable things through trading. The best way to move mass quantities of goods was by water. Here's a case in point; at one time, the only way to preserve food was to coat it in salt. If you lived somewhere that didn't have salt available, you would have to buy it. To buy it, you would have to go somewhere that it was sold (a marketplace). You would probably have to do this often, so you would want to live near the place it was sold.

It would be brought to market and made available by business-people (traders). If you had something to sell wouldn't you want to take it to a place that would have the most customers?

Early people didn't have the technology to build dwellings or clothing that protected them from the elements (extreme heat or cold). These early people would want to migrate to an area in which they could live and not freeze to death.

If you had the choice of living any where in the world, where would it be, and why? Your answer will help you answer your original question.

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Q: Why does population grow at different rates in different parts of the world?
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