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Any effect of pork on the brain.

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Q: How does pork effect the brain?
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Can water effect youre brain?

water can effect your brain by thinking because the brain needs plenty of water to think.

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The brain.

Does water affect the brain?

water does effect your brain

Is pork as hard on your body as beef?

The digestion of pork and beef are very similar so the effect on your system would be as well.

Does your height and weight effect the brain?

Your height and weight can indirectly effect the brain. The actions that you do to achieve these measurements can lead to the release of different chemicals in the brain.

Does soda effect your brain?

Yes. Soda can effect your brain because it contains sugar and dissolved carbon dioxide.

Is ham made out of cow brain?

No. Ham is made from the thigh or rump of pork or pigs.

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The effect of pork barrel scam to most political geographies is that development is stagnant. This has also affected the economy since businesses have lost confidence in the government.

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The brain effects all nerve cells

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Schizophrenia has no effect on brain weight.