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Q: How does potential energy change when things are pushed or pulled?
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What is the change when an object is pushed along an inclined plane to a height?

The object's height and gravitational potential energy both increase.

How are objects able to gain energy as well as use it?

An object gains energy when it is either heated or pushed. If pushed vertically, it gains gravitational potential energy. If pushed horizontally, it gains kinetic energy.

What is an example of only potential energy?

A ball sitting at the top of a ledge, it has a lot of potential energy until it is pushed off the ledge then it is converted into kinetic energy

Is everything pushed or are objects also pulled?

objects can be pulled and pushed

Is a rock being pushed off a cliff potential energy being changed in kinetic energy?


What energy transformation takes place when an object is pushed up an inclined plane?

chemical energy -----> potential energy -------> kinetic energy

A rock on top of a mountain has what energy?

Potential energy. Although if the rock is pushed, moved etc. it becomes kinetic energy

How does kinetic energy change into potential energy?

An object has potential energy if it has been pushed into a certain position, against a certain type of force (a so-called "conservative force"). The potential energy will automatically be "released" when the object goes back to a lower-energy position (meaning, in this case, less potential energy); in that case, the potential energy will quite often be converted into kinetic energy, since the force tends to accelerate the object. One example is when an object in a high position (and which therefore has gravitational potential energy) falls down. Another example is when a spring is released.

When a pendulum swings if it is not continuously pushed it will stop eventually stop because some of its energy is changed into what energy?

It simply loses energy. There is no changing of energy. It is not changed into potential energy, because it has no potential to move anywhere. Potential energy is, for example, bringing a pendulum to close to its apex and typing it there with a string.

Should the saw be pushed or pulled when starting a cut?

it should be pulled

Give an example of gravitational potential energy?

a book sitting up on a shelf. gravity can potentionally pull it down if pushed.

Does a rock on the edge of a cliff contain kinetic energy?

No, because kinetic energy is the energy and object possesses because of its motion and its mass. Potential energy is the energy stored and held in readiness in an object. The rock has to be moving to have kinetic energy, but since the rock is just sitting on the edge of a cliff, it doesn't have kinetic, it has potential.