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One way that elements decay is by alpha-emission. That means that the nucleus of the atom spews out alpha particles. An alpha particle is made of two protons and two neutrons, like a helium nucleus. Of course, once an alpha particle is emitted, the number of protons in the nucleus decreases, and the element changes with the number of protons.

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Radioactivity can create new elements through processes like alpha decay, beta decay, and neutron capture. During these events, the nucleus of an atom undergoes a transformation, changing into a different element with a different number of protons. This can lead to the creation of new elements that are not naturally occurring or found in abundance in nature.

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Is there a difference between radioactivity and radioisotopes?

Yes, there is a difference. Radioactivity refers to the property of certain elements to emit radiation, while radioisotopes are versions of elements that have an unstable nucleus and emit radiation as they decay. Radioactivity is a general phenomenon, while radioisotopes are specific isotopes of elements that exhibit this property.

What is artificial radioactivity?

Artificial radioactivity is the process of inducing radioactivity in a substance by bombarding it with high-energy particles or radiation. This can result in the creation of new radioactive isotopes that do not occur naturally. Artificial radioactivity has various applications in medicine, industry, and scientific research.

Who invented the radioactive?

Henri Becquerel discovered natural radioactivity in 1896 while studying uranium compounds. Marie and Pierre Curie furthered the understanding of radioactivity by isolating two new elements, polonium and radium.

Was polonium the first source of radioactivity?

Yes, polonium was one of the first elements discovered to exhibit radioactivity. It was discovered by Marie Curie and her husband Pierre Curie in 1898, leading to their pioneering research on radioactivity.

Which women was an important scientist who contributed to your understanding of elements and radioactivity?

Marie Curie was a pioneering scientist known for her work on radioactivity and the discovery of the elements polonium and radium. Her research laid the foundation for advancements in the fields of physics and chemistry, earning her two Nobel Prizes in different scientific disciplines.

Related questions

Is there a difference between radioactivity and radioisotopes?

Yes, there is a difference. Radioactivity refers to the property of certain elements to emit radiation, while radioisotopes are versions of elements that have an unstable nucleus and emit radiation as they decay. Radioactivity is a general phenomenon, while radioisotopes are specific isotopes of elements that exhibit this property.

What woman helped in the understanding of elements and radioactivity?

Mme. Curie.

What is the advanced pentagram in doodle devil?

It allows you to create more elements, when you run out the new elements you create will have a 60 minute delay.

How does artificial transmutation differ from artificial radioactivity?

"Artificial transmutation" is a nuclear reaction induced in laboratory, its man made. Artificial radioactivity is a radioactive disintegration phenomenon supported by artificial isotopes.

Why did people find polonium?

Research in the field of radioactivity, studying of uranium ores, progress of chemistry and physics, discovery of new elements in the periodic table

Do all elements have some degree of radioactivity?

no not all of it and im a girl

What are the elements of radioactivity?

The elements of radioactivity are isotopes that have unstable nuclei and undergo radioactive decay, emitting radiation in the form of alpha particles, beta particles, or gamma rays. This process results in the transformation of the unstable isotope into a more stable configuration.

What is artificial radioactivity?

Artificial radioactivity is the process of inducing radioactivity in a substance by bombarding it with high-energy particles or radiation. This can result in the creation of new radioactive isotopes that do not occur naturally. Artificial radioactivity has various applications in medicine, industry, and scientific research.

Who invented the radioactive?

Henri Becquerel discovered natural radioactivity in 1896 while studying uranium compounds. Marie and Pierre Curie furthered the understanding of radioactivity by isolating two new elements, polonium and radium.

What is the opposite of radioactivity?

The opposite would be non-radioactive. For elements, the opposite is stable.

Who was the first person to create the theory of radioactivity?

Marie Skodowska Curie

Why does chemist create new elements?

Chemists don't create new elements at all. They discover them. The thing is, nearly every element that can be discovered already has been. About all they can discover now are new isotopes of existing elements. What chemists create are new compounds. The compounds are for whatever things that are needed, like medicines, industrial chemicals, insecticides, and so on.