

Best Answer

-- In the microwave oven, the cavity (cooking chamber) is intentionally sized and

shaped so as to take advantage of reflection from the walls and create the desired

standing wave pattern inside the box.

-- In microwave communication, signal energy reflected from buildings, atmospheric

layer boundaries, ponds or wet grass, can be re-directed toward the receiving antenna,

and combine with the direct signal when both arrive there. Since the reflected path is

longer than the direct path, the two signals arrive at the receiver out of phase, and their

combined intensity depends on the phase difference. The sum may be anything between

zero (complete loss of received signal) and double the normal received level.

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3mo ago

Reflection can increase the intensity of microwaves by causing waves to bounce back and forth, leading to constructive interference and a higher overall energy level. Conversely, if microwaves are absorbed by materials with high reflectivity, such as metal, the intensity decreases due to reduced transmission through the material.

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Q: How does reflection affect the intensity of microwave?
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How does reflection affect the intensity of microwave Is all the energy of the wave that strikes the reflector reflected What has happened to the missing energy?

Reflection of microwave energy can result in a decrease in intensity due to partial absorption or scattering by the reflector. Not all the energy that strikes the reflector will be reflected, as some may be absorbed by the material. The missing energy that is not reflected is typically converted into heat energy within the material of the reflector.

Does refractionand reflection effect the wavelength of sound?

No, refraction and reflection do not affect the wavelength of sound. Wavelength is determined by the frequency of sound waves in a given medium, and it remains constant as sound waves interact through these processes. Refraction and reflection can alter the direction and intensity of sound waves, but not their wavelength.

The loudness of a sound is a reflection of?

The loudness of a sound is a reflection of its intensity, which is determined by the amplitude of the sound wave. Sounds with higher amplitudes are perceived as louder, while sounds with lower amplitudes are quieter.

What is reflection constant of light?

The reflection constant of light, also known as the reflectance, is the ratio of the intensity of light reflected from a surface to the intensity of light incident on the surface. It is a measure of how much light is reflected by a surface. The reflection constant depends on various factors such as the nature of the surface, angle of incidence, and the wavelength of light.

Can reflection cause shadow?

Yes, reflection can cause shadows. When light reflects off a surface, it can produce shadows if the reflected light is blocked by another object or surface. The presence of a reflective surface can affect the intensity and direction of shadows.

Related questions

How does reflection affect the intensity of microwave Is all the energy of the wave that strikes the reflector reflected What has happened to the missing energy?

Reflection of microwave energy can result in a decrease in intensity due to partial absorption or scattering by the reflector. Not all the energy that strikes the reflector will be reflected, as some may be absorbed by the material. The missing energy that is not reflected is typically converted into heat energy within the material of the reflector.

Does refractionand reflection effect the wavelength of sound?

No, refraction and reflection do not affect the wavelength of sound. Wavelength is determined by the frequency of sound waves in a given medium, and it remains constant as sound waves interact through these processes. Refraction and reflection can alter the direction and intensity of sound waves, but not their wavelength.

The loudness of a sound is a reflection of?

The loudness of a sound is a reflection of its intensity, which is determined by the amplitude of the sound wave. Sounds with higher amplitudes are perceived as louder, while sounds with lower amplitudes are quieter.

Does color of a mirror affect its reflection of light?

No, the color of a mirror does not affect it's reflection of light.

Does the word reflection have a prefix?

Yes, the word "reflection" has the prefix "re-" added to "flection" to indicate repetition or intensity.

How does a microwave affect a pacemaker?

The radioactivity from it can affect it.

What is a microwave sensor?

A microwave motion sensor sends out electromagnetic pulses and measures the changes in frequency due to reflection off of a moving object.

Can reflection cause shadow?

Yes, reflection can cause shadows. When light reflects off a surface, it can produce shadows if the reflected light is blocked by another object or surface. The presence of a reflective surface can affect the intensity and direction of shadows.

What is reflection constant of light?

The reflection constant of light, also known as the reflectance, is the ratio of the intensity of light reflected from a surface to the intensity of light incident on the surface. It is a measure of how much light is reflected by a surface. The reflection constant depends on various factors such as the nature of the surface, angle of incidence, and the wavelength of light.

What is a microwave motion sensor?

A microwave motion sensor sends out electromagnetic pulses and measures the changes in frequency due to reflection off of a moving object.

How would the reflection of light from a white wall with a rough surface differ from the refection of light from a mirror?

The reflection from a white rough surface would scatter light in many directions, resulting in a diffuse reflection with less intensity. In contrast, a mirror would reflect light at the same angle as the incidence angle, providing a clear and specular reflection with high intensity.

Can water reflect the colors of sunlight?

Yes, water can reflect the colors of sunlight. When sunlight hits the surface of water, it can be partially reflected, creating a spectrum of colors that we see as a reflection on the water's surface. Factors like the angle of the sunlight and the cleanliness of the water can affect the intensity and clarity of this reflection.