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science helps you to understand the world and the community around you and you can understand things better through science

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Q: How does science change the world?
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Difference of science and technology?

Technology is how people change the world around them to meet their needs, and science is the study of the natural world to understand how it functions.

How did Leonardo change the world of science?

He didn't change science, but had many ideas that have shown his advanced thinking. He made very few of them and only models.

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What kinds of scientific investigations do involve observations?

All science involves observations. A scientist is either observing the world as it is normally, or is changing something and observing the results of the change. The "change something and observe the results of the change" is called an "experiment". If you're not observing something, then you are not doing "science".

What kind of scientific investigation do not involve observations?

All science involves observations. A scientist is either observing the world as it is normally, or is changing something and observing the results of the change. The "change something and observe the results of the change" is called an "experiment". If you're not observing something, then you are not doing "science".

The process of learning more about the nature world is?

Science, The process of learning more about the natural world is Science.

How is mathematics defined?

Mathematics is a formal science that deals with quantity, space, and change. It is an abstract science that attempts to ascertain and model real objects and phenomena in the physical, biological, and social world.

Is yeast physical science or chemical science?

Chemical science, because yeast is irreversible. Chemical Change: Irreversible Physical Change: Reversible

How can science change you?

Science is a method of discovery. It can't change anything. It can help you learn about your environment and the universe.

Why do facts in science change?

Facts in science change because scientists do experiment's and find out new things.