

How does sleep affect your performance in sport?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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it gives you rest so then when you wake up you will not be tired

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Q: How does sleep affect your performance in sport?
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Sleep restores your energy and prepares you for more activity.

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Most sports are very physically demanding, therefore, you have to take care of your body in every possible way to effectively play your sport. Sleep is a very important part of taking care of your body, therefore, more sleep better performance, less sleep, poorer performance.

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as the performer can not sleep it means they wont be able to train efficiently and for long as they will be so tired. also as they don't sleep and are tired there performance with deteriorate making future performances bad as they cant train long or well to improve their performance. also they will go into their performance with a negative mind so their performance again wont be as good as they already believe they will fail.

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If you dont get enough sleep, you will be fatigued, which will affect performance.

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