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lol u should know u self jk

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Soil affects natural vegetation by providing nutrients and water essential for plant growth. Different soil types have varying levels of fertility, pH, and drainage, which can determine the types of plants that can thrive in a particular area. Soil texture also influences root penetration and water retention, impacting the diversity and composition of vegetation communities.

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Q: How does soil affect the natural vegetation that can grow in places?
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Why is temperature a factor that influences the natural vegetation in a place?

Temperature influences the type of plants that can grow in a location by affecting processes like photosynthesis, plant metabolism, and water availability. Different plants have different temperature requirements for growth, so temperature plays a crucial role in determining the natural vegetation of an area.

What are some factors affecting the vegetation cover?

Some factors affecting vegetation cover include climate (such as temperature and precipitation), soil type and quality, topography (elevation and slope), presence of natural disturbances like fire or floods, and human activities such as deforestation or agriculture. These factors can influence the type of vegetation that can grow in a particular area and the overall health and density of the vegetation cover.

When you burn vegetation how does it affect carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere?

Burning vegetation releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere because plants store carbon as they grow. When the vegetation burns, this stored carbon is released back into the air as carbon dioxide, contributing to the overall increase in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere.

Why do fungi only grow on rotting vegetation?

Fungi do not only grow on rotting vegetation. They can also grow on living plants, animals, and in various other habitats. However, they are commonly found on rotting vegetation because it provides a source of nutrients and moisture that fungi require to grow and thrive.

How does soil affects the natural vegetation?

Soil affects natural vegetation by providing nutrients, water, and physical support for plant growth. The composition and quality of the soil determine which types of plants can thrive in a particular area. Soil also impacts vegetation by influencing water retention, drainage, and pH levels, all of which affect plant health and growth.

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Name some examples of natural vegetation?

trees,plant and rainforest.(Places that grow plants naturally)

Types of natural vegetation in Gauteng?

this includes evergreen vegetation tundra vegetation diciduous vegetation thorny bushes etc

The amount of rain that falls can affect the types of plants that grow called?

The amount of rain that falls can affect the type of plants that grow called vegetation. A couple of examples of vegetation are tropical forests and tropical plants.

How is Canada's economy affected by its climate and vegetation?

Canada's economy is affected by its climate and vegetation. This is because the climate is harsh in some places in Canada and it blows at the vegetation, making it hard for plants to grow.

What is the difference between natural vegetation and crops?

Natural vegetation, which is also called native vegetation, are plants that grow without human interference. Crops, on the other hand, are grown and cultivated by people for food and industry.

What is it when the amount of rain that falls can affect the type of plants that grow?

Vegetation im working on a homework sheet with the same question

What are the factors of natural vegetation?

The factors influencing natural vegetation include climate (temperature, precipitation), soil type and fertility, topography (elevation, slope), sunlight exposure, and human activities such as deforestation and agriculture. These factors determine the type of vegetation that can grow in a particular region.

What two factors affect the kinds of vegetation that grow in a region?

Climate, including temperature and precipitation patterns, strongly influence the types of vegetation that can thrive in a region. The composition of the soil, including its pH, nutrient levels, and drainage capacity, also plays a critical role in determining what types of plants can grow in a particular area.

What is difference between aquatic vegetation and vegetation?

aquatic vegetation are plants that grow underwater while vegetation are plants that just grow on land.

What does drought affect?

a drought is where there is no rainfall for a long period of time making vegetation unable to grow and animals unable to survive. :)

Why is temperature a factor that influences the natural vegetation in a place?

Temperature influences the type of plants that can grow in a location by affecting processes like photosynthesis, plant metabolism, and water availability. Different plants have different temperature requirements for growth, so temperature plays a crucial role in determining the natural vegetation of an area.

How does the latitude affect the type of vegetation found in Russia forest?

P: I was here