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Q: How does sound travel to reach the ears?
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What must sound wave travel on to reach your ears?

sound waves travel through the air particles

How is sound produced and how do they travel?

Sound is produced due to vibration. Sound needs medium such as air to travel. When an object vibrates, it sets neighbouring particles of medium to vibrate. These particles oscillate back and forth and reach our ears.

What happens to the sound waves after they travel a lot but not reach your ears?

they get dispersed and loose their momentum. that is the wave is no more able to vibrate the air..

What waves reach our ears?

Sound (pressure) waves.

How does the sound of thunder reach you?

Energized air from the storm strikes your ears.

What must happen in order for a sound to be heard?

Something has to vibrate, and the sound waves have to travel to your ears.

When a student plays a guitar how does a sound travel to reach your brain?

sound waves from an instrument or a sound system reach the outer ear.

If you put your hands on your ears and hum what does the sound travel through?


What causes the sound waves that travel from an air hammer to your ears?


What waves reach our ears on playing guitar?

Sound waves (which are pressure waves).

If you are inside your home or school and an aeroplane flies over you can hear it clearly how do the sounds from the aeroplane's engine travel to reach your ears?

Sound is a mechanical wave. It needs material medium to travel. The sound from the airplane reaches your ear through air in the form of alternate compressions and rarefactions.

How does sound travel through the air to someone?

the sound waves reach the ear.