

How does steriods work?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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Q: How does steriods work?
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you give it some steriods and take it to the gym.

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No, steroids will not effect how birth control work.

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Are anabolic supplements steroids?

yes steriods are called anabolic steriods but they usually just use the name steriods

Does Miley Cyrus do steriods?

No, Miley Cyrus does not take steriods.

Do WWE superstars take steriods?

Batista takes steriods

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How many players or athletes use steriods. How many players or athletes use steriods.

When was steriods made?

there are steriods in your body but muscle building steriods was made by a scientist named Ruzicka and Berthold during 1929 Nazis used steriods to give them a boost.Pokemon diamond Game boy color

Is it true that David Ortiz is doing steroids?

Did steriods, not currently doing steriods.

Is estrogen and cholesterol are example of steroids?

lipids called steriods! :)

Does barry bond take steriods?

he did take steriods that's why he broke the home run record

Is Tiger Woods on steriods?

Is Tiger Woods on steriods? No way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is just a idiotic rumor. Don't believe that!