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Q: How does temperature affect fingerprints?
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What is the effect of surface temperature on fingerprints?

I had to complete a science fair project in high school about the effect of surface temp on fingerprints. My results showed that the colder the surface temperature, the more likely you are to see the fingerprint.

What effect does heredity have on fingerprint characteristics?

DNA does not affect fingerprints. Identical twins- people with the exact same DNA- have different fingerprints. Fingerprints (and toe, lip, or any other -print your body has) form in the womb at random.

Does the Temperature of a poached egg affect it?

Yes. The temperature at which the poached egg is cooked will affect its consistency. The temperature at which the poached egg is served will affect its taste.

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What pictures can answer the question How does temperature affect the bounce of a ball?

temperature does affect the bounce of a ball!

When did fingerprints come out?

People have always had fingerprints. Also, everyones fingerprints are diffrent.

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Does temperature or time of year affect tanning time?

Does air temperature affect humidity?

How does temperature affect humity? The mount of water vapor that air can hold depends on the temperature of the air.

Why do only half of a child's fingerprints match his mothers?

None of a child's fingerprints will match his or her mother's fingerprints. Each individual has different fingerprints. Even identical twins have different fingerprints.

Does the temperature of the tennis ball affect the air?

The temperature of the ball does not affect the surrounding/outside air, but it does affect the air inside the ball.

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