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During an ice age, large ice sheets advance over land, changing the landscape by eroding rocks and reshaping valleys and river systems. Sea levels drop as water is stored in glaciers, exposing continental shelves. This results in the creation of new land bridges and changes to Coastlines.

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Q: How does the Earth's surface change during an ice age?
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How does earths surface change during an ice age?

it changes by all the ice melting ,there fore we flood.

How does absorption of solar energy by the earths surface changes in the ice age?

During an ice age, the increased presence of ice and snow on the Earth's surface can lead to more solar energy being reflected back into space, rather than being absorbed by the surface. This can contribute to cooling temperatures and potentially prolonging the ice age.

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During the recent ice age, glaciers covered almost 30 percent of earths land.

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How did Ice Age form?

the ice age formed by the temperture of earths surface and atmosphere droping to very cold tempertures to the negatives freezing most of the worlds oceans

Compare the Earths climate today with its climate during the ice age?

it's warmer and drier now, than during the Ice Ages

Which statement describes how the absorption of solar energy by the Earth's surface changes during an ice age?

During an ice age, the Earth's surface is covered by a larger area of ice and snow. This increased ice and snow cover increases the Earth's albedo, or reflectivity, causing more solar energy to be reflected back into space rather than being absorbed by the surface. As a result, the absorption of solar energy by the Earth's surface decreases during an ice age.

What does period during which low temperatures caused large areas of earths warter to freeze mean?

That would be an ice age.