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Q: How does the EarthSunand Moon cause the season to change?
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How does air humidity change with the season?

humidity does not change the season the phases of the moon does

On harvest moon ds how do you change the season?

Sorry but you have to wait for the seasons to change by themselves. Each season is 30 days long

How does the moon affect summer?

the moon affects the season summer cause the south and north poles are constly moving

Would nutation change if there were no moon?

Yes. The Moon is a major cause of the nutations of the planet Earth.

What cause the moon phases to change?

the way the sun light hits it during the rotation of the moon

What cause the moon appearance to change in the night sky?

The sun

Is it colder on earth than on the moon?

Yes, it's because of the season and the weather change

Why haven't the craters on the moon changed?

On Earth wind and rain cause erosion which changes the surface. The moon has no atmosphere thus nothing to cause change.

Does magnetism change the tides?

Moon's gravitation is the cause of the ocean tides.

Does the moon change your weather?

the magnetic properties of moon cause behavior changes in the earth by being a distraction satellite. the tidal concentration of earths water bodies also diverts in moon moon episodes.

How are day and night different on earth and the moon?

they different because they change the hours of the day and they know when is night and day cause they change it .

Causes of mechanical weathering on the moon?

The major cause of mechanical weathering on the moon is micrometeorites. These tiny rocks hit the moons surface and over time, change it.