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Frogs are predators, eating small reptiles, mammals, insects and fish. Their method of obtaining food is generally to wait until the prey gets near than pounce and swallow whole. As such most of the initial digestion takes place within the stomach where digestive enzymes break down the prey. The small intestine is relatively short as digestion in the frog is the absorption of nutrients aided by secretions from the gall bladder (pronounced) and return circulation from the intestine to the livers (very large relative to the whole). The large intestine is very large and sack like. Very little in the way of recovery of water is needed as frogs are amphibians and water loss is generally not a problem . Frogs expel the contents of the all at once. Dependent on the abundance of food supply the transit time though the system can be very short and the food expelled can be only partially digested.

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15y ago
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11y ago

A toad's digestive system works similar to the way that other animals' digestive systems function. Food enters the digestive system through the mouth and travels through the esophagus to the stomach. Here food is broken down so that it can be absorbed. The broken down food then travels through the intestines, where nutrients are absorbed from the food. At the end of the large intestine, any waste left over from the digestive process is expelled.

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11y ago

a froggy's digestive tract is one similar to a mammilia

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12y ago

both a human's and a frog's digestive system are similar expt for the fact that frogs swallow food by bulging their eyes in.

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