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Bacteria fall under 2 categories based on their cell wall, either Gram positive or Gram negative. The bacterial cell wall is composed of peptidoglycan.

A special staining technique called Gram staining is used to differentiate between these bacteria. Gram positive bacteria, containing a thick layer of peptidoglycan, will retain/absorb more of the crystal violet dye and appear purple/blueish after being stained. Gram negative bacteria contain an outer membrane which Gram positive bacteria do not. Also the peptidoglycan layer is much thinner compared to that of a Gram positive bacteria. This thinner layer will not absorb as much of the crystal violet dye as compared to the Gram positive bacteria. When a counterstain is added, the Gram negative bacteria will appear reddish/pinkish.

Cliff notes

Bacteria classified as either

- Gram Positive

-Gram Negative

Gram Positive

- No outer membrane

- Thick layer of peptidoglycan

- Will appear purple when stained

Gram negative

- Contain an outer membrane

- Thin layer of peptidoglycan

- Will appear reddish/pink when stained

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9y ago

The cell wall aids in classifying bacteria through the various shapes that they take. The three main shapes of bacteria are rods, helices and spheres.

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Can cell wall produce oxygen?

No, the cell wall is made up of cellulose (a carb) in plants and peptidoglycen (a carb and protein mix) in some bacterica. The only purpose of the cell wall is to provide aid for the structure of the cell. The cell wall lacks the necessary organelles to "produce" oxygen.

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The thing that helps to support the plant cell and helps it to maintain its shape is called the cell wall. The cell wall is only found on plant cells.

What the surrounds the cell?

In plant cells, a cell membrane and a cell wall surround the cell to aid in support and protection. In animal cells, only a cell membrane surrounds the cell and controls what substances go in and go out of the cell.

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A plant's cell wall is made up mostly of 2 compounds, cellulose and hemicellulose. Cellulose and hemicellulose aid in the release of protoplasts.

How does bacteria aid in tea industry?

Bacteria aid in tea industry in various ways. One of the most significant uses of bacteria is that it is used to cure tea leaves.

Does Bacteria on cellulose digestion?

yes some bacteria help aid digestion

How do bacteria help blue whales?

Blue whales have bacteria in their intestines to aid digestion.

What do the students using a microscope need to observe to decide if a slide contains a plant cell or an animal cell?

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What is the function of cellouse?

Cellulose provides structure and support to plant cells in their cell wall. Plant cells are more rigid and need to keep their structure more stable without the aid of a skeletal system like most animals have, so the cell wall filled with cellulose helps provide that structure.

What is a beneficial effect of monerans?

Monerans, now known as bacteria, have many beneficial effects. Some, such as the species that live in the intestines of cows, aid in digestion. In fact, eukaryotic cell origin is believed to have come from a symbiotic and benficial relationship between bacteria.

Why are some Bacteria categorized as good bacteria?

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