

How does the clouds make water?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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12y ago

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Simple answer: They don't. Clouds ARE water - tiny, tiny droplets of water just like fog. If colder air moves into a cloud, it causes there to be even more water droplets forming. When the droplets get close enough together, they start touching and turning themselves into even larger droplets.

Then the "even larger" water droplets touch, and make water drops . . . at some point in this process, the water droplets grow large enough that they are too heavy to stay where they are, and then they fall to the ground. This falling to the ground is what we call, "Rain".

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Clouds have to do with water because water vapor precipitates into the clouds.

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Evaporation moves the water from the earth's surface up into the atmosphere. It helps to make the water form clouds from water vapour and condensation. It helps to convert the water vapours (its gas form) to water (its liquid form).

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Clouds are masses of condensed water vapor, therefore, all clouds are water.

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Clouds can disappear when the water droplets that make up the cloud evaporate into the air. This can happen if the air becomes warmer, causing the water droplets to turn into water vapor. Wind can also blow clouds away by moving them to a different location.

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Water in clouds is in gaseous form.

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clouds are made out of water

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