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Because there are three groups in substance Q and substance R, and there are three atoms in substance P.

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4d ago

The diagram shows mass conservation if the total mass of the reactants equals the total mass of the products which indicates that no mass has been created or destroyed during the reaction.

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Q: How does the diagram show that mass has been conserved in this reaction?
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What is always conserved in a chemical reaction?

In a chemical reaction, the total mass and the number of atoms of each element are always conserved. This is known as the law of conservation of mass.

What is conserved during a reaction?

Both mass and charge

Is mass conserved in the chemical reaction of zinc and iodine?

Of course !

Does The Law of Conservation of Mass states that mass is conserved in a reaction system?

Yes, the Law of Conservation of Mass states that mass is conserved in a closed system, meaning that the total mass of the reactants must equal the total mass of the products in a chemical reaction.

In a nuclear reaction WHAT does not have to be conserved?

While overall ENERGY has to be conserved, MASS does not. In a nuclear reaction mass can be converted into energy so the mass of the products may be less than the mass of the reactants. The difference in mass is converted into energy as Einstein's equation describes (E=MC squared). In a chemical reaction MASS has to be conserved.

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Its conserved during the combustion of anything - the mass of the products is always equal to the mass of the materials that react.

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In order for a nuclear reaction to be balanced, there are quantities that must be conserved. The quantities are the atomic numbers and mass numbers of the particles involved in the reaction.

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In a nuclear reaction, energy is conserved overall. This principle is reflected in the relationship between mass and energy as described by Einstein's equation E=mc^2, where the total energy remains constant before and after the reaction.

What happens to total amount of mass in chemical reaction?

The total amount of mass remains constant in a chemical reaction, according to the law of conservation of mass. This means that the total mass of the reactants will equal the total mass of the products formed in the reaction. Mass cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction, only rearranged.

What is conserved in the reaction shown below. N g plus 3F g 2NF g?

In this reaction, the total number of atoms of each element remains the same before and after the reaction. This is due to the law of conservation of mass, which states that matter cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction.

What happens to the mass of the reactants?

In a chemical reaction, the mass of the reactants is conserved. This means that the total mass of the reactants before the reaction is equal to the total mass of the products after the reaction. This is known as the law of conservation of mass.

In any chemical reaction the quantities that are preserved are?

In any chemical reaction the quantities that are conserved are mass and number of atoms. After the correct formula for a reactant in an equation has been written, the formula should not be changed.