

How does the energy in a wave move?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: How does the energy in a wave move?
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What wave matter move the same direction as the wave?

The matter transfers the energy, it does not move very far. It circles at approximately the same spot as the wave energy passes.

What do waves carry from place to place?

No, they do not. A wave transfers energy but the matter does not move forward with the wave.

Parts of water that don't move along with a wave?

Water does not move with a wave believe it or not. It moves up and down with the wave but a wave is just energy moving through something.

What does a wave transfer if the particles themselves do not move?

If the particles themselves do not move, then you have no wave, and nothing is transferred.If the particles are free to move about their rest positions, then you can have a wave, andit can transfer energy from place to place.

What is required for a mechanical wave to move?

a source of energy for it to originate from, and a medium in which to move through

How does energy move by means of wave?

the particles vibrate Save

What moves in a wave?

The term "forward" is arbitrary. The waves propagate away from the energy source that created them or away from a reflective surface. In mechanical waves (such as ocean waves), the waves move through the medium (water), but the particles in the medium do not travel along with the waves, although they do oscillate in place as the wave passes through the medium.

How are wave vibrations related to energy and vibrations?

A wave is made by the moons tidal magnet. sometimes a wave is caused when two plates under the seat move causing waves from out at sea to get washed up onto the shaw. the energy from the earth makes the plates move, so that is how a wave is related to energy and vibration.

How does wave energy move?

Mechanical waves, such as water and sound, convey energy via physical displacement of the medium, which creates and move potential energy along the direction of propagation. Electromagnetic waves convey energy directly in the coupled electric and magnetic wave itself.

Does light energy move by elecromagnetic waves?

Light is a kind of electromagnetic wave.

Why doesn't a duck move when a wave passes under it?

That's because the water doesn't move, either. The water moves back and forth slightly, as a result of the wave; the wave energy moves on, WITHOUT taking the water with it. The wave is not a current.

What is being transported as the waves move through matter or space?

The energy is being transported. In the case of a light wave, it is electromagnetic energy. In the case of a sound wave, it is sound energy. (The matter is not being transported, only the energy.)