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It doesn't. The Fujita scale classifies tornadoes based on the severity of the damage they cause.

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Related questions

What is the Fujita scale used for?

The Fujita scale is used to classify tornadoes.

Which scale is used to classify tornadoes?

The United States and several other countries use the Enhanced Fujita scale to classify tornadoes, which is an upgraded version of the Fujita scale.

What is the name of the scale currently used to classify tornadoes?

Tornadoes in the U.S. are currently classified on the Enhanced Fujita Scale.

What condition is used to classifiy a tornado?

The Fujita scale is used to classify the strength and intensity of a tornado.The Fujita scale goes up to F5, the most intense. The scale is located in the related links section.

How do meteorologists classify tornadoes?

Meteorologists classify tornadoes on the Enhanced Fujita Scale based on the severity of the damage they cause with EF0 being the weakest and EF5 being the strongest.

What year did Theodore fujita develop the fujita scale?

Theodore Fujita develop the fujita scale in 1971

What scale do the us have for tornadoes?

the fujita scale coverted into Enhanced fujita scale

Why is the tornado scale called the Fujita scale?

The Fujita scale is named after the scientist who invented it: Dr. Tetsuya Theodore Fujita.

When was the fujita scale created?

The Fujita Scale was created in 1971 by Dr. Tetsuya "Ted" Fujita.

Which tornado on the fujita scale most frequently occurs?

The most common Fujita scale rating is F0 (EF0 on the Enhanced Fujita scale).

What is the scale called to categorize tornadoes?

the fujita scale now called the enhanced fujita scale

Which scale describes the intensity of tornado?

fujita scale now called enhanced fujita scale