

Best Answer

The force of gravity between two objects is stronger when the product of their
masses is big than it is when the product of their masses is small. It doesn't matter
whether one object is humongous and the other is tiny, or whether the mass is
split equally between them. What matters is the product of the masses and the
distance between them.

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The gravity of a massive object creates a gravitational field around it that attracts other objects towards it. The strength of this gravitational attraction is directly proportional to the mass of the object – the more massive the object, the stronger its gravitational pull.

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Q: How does the gravity of a massive object affect gravity?
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How does surface area of an object affect gravity?

The surface area of an object does not directly affect the force of gravity acting on it. Gravity depends on the mass of the object and the distance to other massive objects, like planets. However, a larger surface area may result in more air resistance when falling, which can affect how quickly the object accelerates due to gravity.

How can gravity change the motion of an object?

Gravity can change the motion of an object by pulling it towards a massive body, such as a planet or star. This force causes the object to accelerate towards the center of mass of the massive body, changing its speed and direction of motion. The greater the mass of the object or the closer it is to the massive body, the stronger the gravitational force and the greater the impact on the object's motion.

How does object's size affect the gravity of that object?

An object's size does not directly affect its gravity. Gravity depends on an object's mass and distance from other objects. However, larger objects with more mass tend to have stronger gravitational pulls.

Does the force of gravity increase decrease or stay the same if the object it is acting on is more massive?

The force of gravity increases if the object is more massive. Gravity is proportional to the mass of the objects involved, so a more massive object will exert a stronger gravitational force.

Can friction or acceleration due to gravity affect the weight of an object?

Friction and acceleration due to gravity do not directly affect the weight of an object. Weight is determined by the gravitational force acting on the object, which is independent of these factors. However, friction can affect the apparent weight of an object on a surface by opposing the force of gravity.

Related questions

How does surface area of an object affect gravity?

The surface area of an object does not directly affect the force of gravity acting on it. Gravity depends on the mass of the object and the distance to other massive objects, like planets. However, a larger surface area may result in more air resistance when falling, which can affect how quickly the object accelerates due to gravity.

How can gravity change the motion of an object?

Gravity can change the motion of an object by pulling it towards a massive body, such as a planet or star. This force causes the object to accelerate towards the center of mass of the massive body, changing its speed and direction of motion. The greater the mass of the object or the closer it is to the massive body, the stronger the gravitational force and the greater the impact on the object's motion.

Does a more massive object weigh more than less massive one?

Yes, in general, a more massive object will weigh more than a less massive object when measured in the same gravitational field. Weight is a measure of the force of gravity acting on an object, and this force is directly proportional to an object's mass.

Does the force of gravity increase decrease or stay the same if the object it is acting on is more massive?

The force of gravity increases if the object is more massive. Gravity is proportional to the mass of the objects involved, so a more massive object will exert a stronger gravitational force.

How does object's size affect the gravity of that object?

An object's size does not directly affect its gravity. Gravity depends on an object's mass and distance from other objects. However, larger objects with more mass tend to have stronger gravitational pulls.

Can friction or acceleration due to gravity affect the weight of an object?

Friction and acceleration due to gravity do not directly affect the weight of an object. Weight is determined by the gravitational force acting on the object, which is independent of these factors. However, friction can affect the apparent weight of an object on a surface by opposing the force of gravity.

What is an object so massive that light cannot escape its gravity called?

A black hole is an object so massive that light cannot escape its gravity, due to the intense gravitational pull caused by its mass and density.

What factors affect the ability of gravity to do work?

The factors that affect the ability of gravity to do work include the distance the object falls, the mass of the object, and the presence of other forces that may oppose gravity, such as friction or air resistance. The work done by gravity is determined by the height through which the object falls and the force of gravity acting on the object.

What is lense?

Gravitational lensing is the bending of light around a massive object due to gravity.

How does weight affect gravity?

Weight is the force with which an object is attracted towards the center of the Earth due to gravity. The weight of an object is directly proportional to its mass, meaning that the more massive an object is, the greater its weight will be. However, weight can also be influenced by the distance between two objects and their gravitational force.

Why does the super massive black hole have more gravity?

Quite simply it has more mass. The more mass an object has, the more gravity it will have.

Does gravity increase or decrease with mass of an object?

Gravity increases with the mass of an object. The more massive an object is, the stronger its gravitational pull will be. This is why larger planets like Earth have a stronger gravitational force than smaller objects.