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Heat is transferred by radiation, conduction and evaporation. It is no different for the human body than for any other physical object.

However, the body makes a number of adjustments. When the core body temperature is too high, an area of the brain is signaled which causes certain internal changes. More blood is sent to the skin from within the body, and heat can then be released from the body as radiation. Heat is absorbed by radiation as well as given off, in the form of infrared rays. This is why human bodies can be "seen" by infrared cameras. When the environment is cooler than the body, the body is radiating heat. But if the environment is warmer than the body, the body will be absorbing heat.

In that case, the body has other ways to get rid of excess heat. Sweat glands will open in the skin and produce sweat, which is then cooled by the air, via evaporation. Even when the body is not sweating, moisture is evaporating from the skin, and cooling the body.

Conduction is another way the body transfers heat. This is a direct molecule-to-molecule transfer of heat. Swimming or bathing in cooler water, or splashing cold water on your face allows the body to release heat in this way. Drinking or eating cold foods also cools the body. But, so does sitting or lying on furniture that is cooler than the body.

Without knowing all these things, humans alter their behavior to become cooler. Among the other signals the brain puts out, it tells when the body is too hot, and a person will then seek shade or cooler air, drink cold beverages, or seek other ways of feeling cooler. This is how the human body releases heat.

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The human body releases heat by sweating. When the sweat evaporates, it lowers body temperature.

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the excretory system ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The human body depends on it's unique sweat glands to cool off the body. Heat containing sweat is released from the glands, in which the atmosphere absorbs the heat, resulting in a loss of heat for the body.

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