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Q: How does the lithosphere interact with the other spheres?
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What are the four spheres of your physical environment in geography?

The four spheres of the physical environment in geography are the lithosphere (land), hydrosphere (water), atmosphere (air), and biosphere (living organisms). These spheres interact and influence each other to create the Earth's environment.

How does the hydrosphere interact with the other spheres?

The hydrosphere interacts with the other spheres: Atmosphere: If the temperature increases or decreases, the water could freeze or dry up Lithosphere: Rocks could crack and break due to freezing Biosphere: Land and water could disappear

How does the biosphere rely on the spheres for survival?

Well the Biosphere needs all other three spheres to live (lithosphere,atmosphere,and hydrosphere.)

What is earths spheres?

Earth's three spheres are lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere

How does the four spheres relate to bushfires?

The four spheres (atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere) interact during bushfires. The atmosphere provides oxygen and heat, the lithosphere is where the fire burns and spreads, the hydrosphere influences fire spread through water sources, and the biosphere is directly impacted by the fires through destruction of habitats and loss of biodiversity. These spheres working together can either fuel or help mitigate bushfires.

What is unique about biosphere?

it is unique in that it exists entirely within other spheres; lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere

How do earths spheres interact?

thank you

Which of the earth's spheres contains its landforms?


What are the earths 4 spheres?

biosphere ,hydrosphere ,atmosphere ,lithosphere are the four spheres of the earth

What system serves as an interface between the other spheres?

The biosphere serves as an interface between the spheres, enabling water to move between the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere.

What are the four spheres of the earth?

the atmosphere,the lithosphere,the hydrosphere,and the biosphere.