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Water molecules move back and forth between the liquid and gaseous phases all the time. This occurs through evaporation and condensation.

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9y ago
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14y ago

Yes, it's Brownian Motion, which Einsten was able to describe, leading to the kinetic theory of heat.

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13y ago

water when it is heated turns into gas and gas when it is cooled turns into liquid.hope i helped

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9y ago

Water molecules in a liquid state are close together and vibrate and slide passed each other.

Water molecules in a gaseous state are spreed out and move freely at a high rate of speed.

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Q: How does the movement of water molecules change when water goes form liquid to gas?
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Does water molecules speed up or slow down when water vapor returns to the liquid water s?

Condensation. The transformation of water vapours in liquid water is called condensation, a change of phase.

The change of water from a gas to a liquid?

The process of changing liquid water into a gas is called evaporation. Energy is added to the liquid water - generally in the form of heat. When enough energy is added, it allows the most energetic molecules at the surface of the liquid to break free of the liquid and enter the gas phase. The more energy that is added, the more water molecules will have enough energy to move into the gas phase. If enough energy is added, all the molecules will leave the liquid and from then on adding energy will just make the gas warmer. Another way to change liquid water into gas is to drop the pressure above the liquid. In this case, it takes less energy for the molecules in the liquid to get away from the liquid so some of them will already be energetic enough to get away. Any mass of liquid water will have a range of energies for the molecules, some will be low energy, others high energy with each collision between the molecules, they either gain or loose energy. If they gain enough energy, they can become energetic enough to escape the liquid as a gas. The higher the pressure, the more energy is required to become a gas. If the liquid water is in contact with some gas - air for example. The liquid will evaporate until the gas is saturated with water vapor. At that point the rate of water molecules dropping out of the gas back into the water (because they don't have enough energy to stay in the gas) is equal to the rate of water molecules escaping from the liquid to become gas. This point is also known as "equilibrium".

Why is ice in liquid water at 0 degrees an example of physical equilibrium?

This is an example of physical equilibrium, because if you look at the two phases (physical property) of water at zero degrees C, they both exist. At 0ºC, the molecules of water go back and forth between being a liquid and a solid, thus the equilibrium.

The movement of water molecules across selectively premeable?

Osmosis movement of water from high concentration to low concentration.

Describe three conditions necessary for condensation to occur?

They are: The temperature has to be lowered so that more molecules will go from gas to liquid than from liquid to gas. There must be tiny "seeds" or nuclei on which liquid molecules can collect. Lacking these, water can in some cases be supercooled below the freezing point.

Related questions

How does the movement of water molecules change when goes from liquid to gas?

The molecules begin to release and move into the air more quickly than they condense back into liquid.

Why does water change from a liquid to a gas in evaporation?

Evaporation is caused by the continuous Brownian movement of water molecules; several molecules gain sufficient energy to escape in the atmosphere.

What cause liquid water to evaporate?

The continuous movement of water molecules can lead some molecules at the surface to escape in the atmosphere as a gas.

How come water doesnt change as it melts from solid to liquid water?

Water does change as it melts from a solid to liquid. That's the change. Its molecules speed up and separate from the lattice structure structure of the ice and become fluid. This is called a physical change because the water molecules themselves do not undergo a change. Solid water and liquid water are still water.If you're talking about temperature, the temperature does not change during the phase change. That's because the heat energy is being used to remove water molecules from the lattice structure. Once all of the water molecules a separated, the temperature can increase.

What effect does the heating earth have on air and water movement on air and water movement?

i think the temperature affects the movement of water because if the liquid is cold the molecules come together. Therefore, the water moves slower, and if the liquid is hot the molecules spread apart and move faster.

How does the movement of water molecules change when water goes from solid the to liquid?

When water goes solid (freezes), the molecules get "locked" together to form the solid phase. These molecules can't move around like they can in liquid water because they are interconnected and immobile within the lattice. Most solids exhibit the property of atomic or molecular immobility, though is it is possible for some materials to diffuse into or out of a solid structure.

How does the movement of water molecules change when water goes from from solid ice to liquid?

When water goes solid (freezes), the molecules get "locked" together to form the solid phase. These molecules can't move around like they can in liquid water because they are interconnected and immobile within the lattice. Most solids exhibit the property of atomic or molecular immobility, though is it is possible for some materials to diffuse into or out of a solid structure.

Why water evaporates faster on heating rather than when water is left of its own?

The movement and the energy of the molecules increase at high temperature and some molecules can escape from the liquid.

What will happen to the water molecules when water boils?

When water boils, the water molecules gain enough energy to overcome the intermolecular forces holding them together, causing them to break apart and escape into the air as steam. This phase change from liquid to gas is known as vaporization.

Freezing of water a chemical process?

No, freezing of water is a physical process. It involves a phase change from liquid to solid without any chemical changes in the water molecules.

How is boiling water an example of a physical change?

Boiling water is a physical change because it involves a state change from liquid to gas without altering the chemical composition of the water molecules. The water molecules only change their arrangement and kinetic energy as they transition from liquid to gas, making it a physical change.

What do they call the change of water from a liquid to gas?

The change of water from a liquid to a gas is called evaporation. This process occurs when water molecules gain enough energy to break free from the liquid phase and enter the gas phase.