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Lucas Hall

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1mo ago

The presence of starch indicates that photosynthesis has taken place because starch is a storage form of glucose produced during photosynthesis. This process involves converting light energy into chemical energy, which is used to synthesize glucose. Starch is the final product of this conversion and serves as a long-term energy store in plants.

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Q: How does the presence of starch show photosynthesis has taken place?
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A leaf was taken from a plant boiled with ethanol and tested with iodine solution what is it tested for?

The iodine test is commonly used to detect the presence of starch in a sample. If the leaf turns blue-black when treated with iodine solution after boiling with ethanol, it indicates the presence of starch in the leaf tissue.

Why starch indicator should be prepared freshly?

To prepare 1% starch indicator weigh 1g of starch powder.Measure 100ml of water and keep it for using some of 100ml water taken,make a paste of starch in watchglass and mix this paste with little and continuous strring of water which is kept for heating.when all the paste is added,allow for heating 5more minutes then starch indicator is ready for titration.Note:no lumps of starch should present in water

Where does the water come in photosynthesis?

The roots of the cell bring in water for the plant. The plant will then distribute the water.

How many carbon dioxide molecules will be made in photosynthesis?

For every six molecules of carbon dioxide (CO2) taken in during the process of photosynthesis, one molecule of glucose (C6H12O6) is produced. This means that six molecules of CO2 are required to produce one molecule of glucose.

How do you convert chloroform to chloropicrin?

Chloroform can be converted to chloropicrin by reacting it with nitric acid in the presence of acetic acid. This reaction proceeds via chlorination and nitration steps to ultimately form chloropicrin as the product. Care should be taken as this process can involve hazardous reagents and should be conducted with proper safety measures in place.

Related questions

How does starch's location in leaves prove photosynthesis?

Starch is a storage form of glucose produced through photosynthesis. Finding starch in leaves indicates that photosynthesis has occurred, as it is a product of the process. Therefore, the presence of starch in leaves serves as evidence that photosynthesis has taken place in the plant.

How do you know photosynthesis has taken place?

Photosynthesis has occurred when plants produce oxygen as a byproduct, and this can be observed by the presence of bubbles forming on the plant's leaves or stems. Additionally, an increase in the plant's biomass, such as growth in height or the development of new leaves, can indicate that photosynthesis is taking place. Finally, measuring the amount of carbon dioxide consumed by the plant and the amount of oxygen released can provide quantitative evidence of photosynthesis.

What would you need if I am doing a science project about putting one plant in the dark inside and one plant outside in the light?

The project is on necessity of light for photosynthesis. Therefore, iodine solution is needd to test the formation of starch in the plant kept in light by photosynthesis. The plant kept in dark will show the absence of starch meaning there by no photosynthesis has taken place in dark.

What would be the conclusion after testing a leaf for starch?

Starch is produced by leaves during Photosynthesis, therefore if the leaf has not been exposed to light then it will not contain starch, and so when tested the Iodine will stay Yellow/Brown. Consequently if the leaf has been left in the light Photosynthesis will have taken place and when tested the Iodine will go Blue/Black showing that Starch is present. Hope this helps :)

Where in a plant cell does photosynthesis taken place?


A leaf was taken from a plant boiled with ethanol and tested with iodine solution what is it tested for?

The iodine test is commonly used to detect the presence of starch in a sample. If the leaf turns blue-black when treated with iodine solution after boiling with ethanol, it indicates the presence of starch in the leaf tissue.

Why is the leaf tested for starch and not glucose to see if photosynthesis has taken place?

Starch is a storage form of glucose produced through photosynthesis. Testing for starch in a leaf indicates that it has been producing and storing glucose through photosynthesis, providing a more indicative measure of photosynthetic activity than testing for glucose alone.

Where is carbon taken in by plants during photosynthesis stored?

Carbon taken in by plants during photosynthesis is stored in the form of glucose, which is a simple sugar molecule. This glucose is then converted and stored as starch in different parts of the plant, such as the leaves, stems, and roots.

Is the cell of the cortex where photosynthesis take place?

no , photosynthesis is taken place in chloroplast which contain chlorophyll. hope it helps xxx sorry if it doesn't <3 xx

Which cells in a leaf can photosynthesise?

Any cell that contains chloroplast can do photosynthesis. That's why stem of Cucurbita maxima, Basella rubra etc. and root of Trapa bispinosa,Tinospora cordifolia etc. take part in photosynthesis.

What is the difference between dry and wet corrosion?

dry corrosion is taken place in the presence of gases whereas wet corrosion takes place in the presence of moisture in air

Where does the energy in biodiesel come from?

The energy comes from the plants because photosynthesis is being taken place