

How does the rat move?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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13y ago

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The rat moves with its four paws. It can scurry and dart away from predators. It basically does what its instincts tell it to do.

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Q: How does the rat move?
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with it's legs

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What are the symptoms of a sick rat?

the rat will be weak/ its eyes will be clouded/ it may refuse to eat or drink/it may not move much. if this is happening to your rat take them to the vet.

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If you can move the letters then "Rat"

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Yes, they do. But, they do need a cool place to rest, run around, etc. If they don't stay cool, they could die. And we don't want that. And, rat haters, DON'T YOU DARE MOVE RATS IN A VERY HOT SPOT. But, yes. If you have a pet rat, and you live somewhere in South MN like I do, move your rat somewhere cool NOW. I had to move my rat to the basement, so, Im suggest you move yours.

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You have a block you can move around in the room. Move the block so it covers one of the holes the rat can get in and out from. Then wait somewhere away so the rat doesn't see you. Then when it gets to the side where you covered the hole, launch in and kill the rat, and whala you have the key!

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The musky rat-kangaroo, though tiny, is still a kangaroo and a macropod. It has long hind feet and the distinct strong tendons in its hind legs that cause it to move with a hopping motion.

How fast does the rat move?

No more than 26 km/hr

How can a rat be flexible?

by letting it move around

How do you get passed the rat in 24 carrot on poptropica?

In the sewer, jump or move in the direction the rats are heading.

What are some tips on training a rat to move properly in a rat ball?

Put the rat down in front of you and sit down with it and see if it makes any attempt to walk towards you. Or you can slowly roll the ball so that it can keep up and they are smart animals so they then may figure out how to get it to move, (mine did :)) Also, the ball could be too big or too small making it scary or hard to move. Some rats are just not into that kinda stuff tho...