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Q: How does the rhesus factor affect human beings?
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What animal is responsible for the discovery of the Rh factor?

Human beings. It was named after the Rhesus monkey.

How do factories affect human beings?

Factories affect human beings by the smoke coming from it.

Can vampires effect human beings?

They might, they might not. They don't exist, so we don't know whether they affect human beings, and, if they do, how they affect human beings.

what's a human factor?

Human Factor means the role of human beings or humans in any particular project.

How many blood types are there how blood type is inherited?

To the second question the answer, in short, is YES; To answer the first question, there are four logical blood types: A, B, AB, and O. Then there is the Rhesus factor: either positive or negative. So there are actually eight types of blood a human can have: one of the above types with a negative Rhesus factor or with a positive Rhesus factor. Rhesus factor is a factor which compares human blood to a Rhesus monkey's blood. A negative result means your blood is not comparable to a Rhesus monkey. Blood types are inherited from your parents. If one parent has type A+, and the other has a B-, your blood type can either come out as A, + or -, or B, + or -, or the rare AB, + or - but not O. While type O negative is the universal donor, type AB positive is a universal recipient.

How many human blood types are there summarize how blood types is inherited?

To the second question the answer, in short, is YES; To answer the first question, there are four logical blood types: A, B, AB, and O. Then there is the Rhesus factor: either positive or negative. So there are actually eight types of blood a human can have: one of the above types with a negative Rhesus factor or with a positive Rhesus factor. Rhesus factor is a factor which compares human blood to a Rhesus monkey's blood. A negative result means your blood is not comparable to a Rhesus monkey. Blood types are inherited from your parents. If one parent has type A+, and the other has a B-, your blood type can either come out as A, + or -, or B, + or -, or the rare AB, + or - but not O. While type O negative is the universal donor, type AB positive is a universal recipient.

Why are rhesus monkeys used in medical research?

Rhesus monkeys are used in medical research due to their genetic and physiological similarities to humans, making them valuable models for studying various diseases and conditions. Their cognitive abilities also make them useful for behavioral and neuroscience research. Additionally, their availability and relatively short reproduction cycle allow for large-scale studies to be conducted.

The factor that determines what effect human beings have on the enviorment is the?

Decisions made by each Individual :]

What is the factor that determines what effect human beings have on the environment?

decisions made by each individual

Climate affect human activity?

The climate can indeed affect human activities such as agriculture which can only be done in conducive regions. The climate also affects social and political activities of human beings.

The factor that determines what effect human beings have on the environment is the?

Decisions made by each individualnovanet : ) all the above

Does music affect reflexes?

Yes, music can affect the reflexes. Music is also known to affect the mood of human beings and the overall brain activity.