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Q: How does the rotation of the earth effect atmospheric pressure?
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What causes the global winds to separate into three bands?

pressure gradient For A+ The earth's rotation

What does the rotation of earth causes?

earthquake No, not earthquake, but changes in atmospheric pressure.

Caused by the rotation of the Earth?

-- day and night -- rotation of atmospheric pressure systems -- rotation of the plane of Foucault's pendulum -- rotation of ocean eddies and currents -- apparent rising and setting of sky objects

How does rotation of the earth affect atmospheric pressure?

The rotation of the earth is the reason for gravity. The gravitaional force pulls all matter towards the center of the earth, including gases such as oxygen or carbon dioxide in the air. This causes all matter to congregate near the ground. Because all the matter is near the ground, at higher altitudes there is less matter and therefore the air is less dense. The rotation of the earth is NOT the reason for gravity. In fact, as far as we know, there is no "reason" for gravity. The rotation of the earth affects atmospheric pressure in very complex, indirect ways. The rotation of the earth creates the Coriolis effect. It also moves the atmosphere across the region of direct solar influence. Whoever wrote the original answer (above) is an idiot.

Does Mars have extreme pressure?

The atmospheric pressure of Mars is 6 millibars as opposed to the 1,013 millibars of atmospheric pressure on Earth. Thus, its atmospheric pressure in relationship to Earth is extremely low.

What is Neptune's atmospheric pressure compared to earth's atmospheric pressure?

42% higher

Does earth rotation anyway affects the aircraft flight?

Earth's rotation has no direect effect on the flight of aircraft. Aircraft fly in and through the atmosphere, and the atmosphere rotates with the earth. Technically, there is some effect though ... the rotation of high- and low-pressure weather systems is a consequence of the earth's rotation, and commercial aircraft have to be aware of the winds and weather when they plan their flight paths.

What kind of weather is wind associated with?

How much info do you want? The easy (and very flippant) answer is 'bad'. The complicated answer would be to do with differences in atmospheric pressure (caused by the rotation of the earth, it's effect on the oceans, the associated absorption of water in the rainfall cycle)

What is the Effect caused by Earth's rotation that forces air to spiral around centers of high and low pressure?


How many more times is the atmospheric pressure in Jupiter's core greater than the atmospheric pressure at the earth's surface?

Earth's atmospheric pressure is measured as 1 bar. Jupiter's atmospheric pressure is 100 million bars. Therefore, it is 100 million times greater

How does air pressure effect the earth?

Air pressure is a atmospheric pressure. Air pressure creates: 1. Different climate 2. Creation of rain 3. Creation of wind 4. It prevents small asteroids to come to the earth

What do we call the effects of the earth's rotation on air circulation?

The effect of the Earth's rotation on air circulation is called the Coriolis Effect.