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Q: How does the shape of a hot air balloon affect it's flight?
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Related questions

What atmospheric conditions might affect the flight of a hot air balloon?

High winds, thunderstorms, or very cold air would have a detrimental effect on any hot air balloon flight.

How does heat affect flight?

Hot air is lighter than cold air. If you fill a balloon with hot air, the air inside will be lighter than the air outside and therefore the balloon will rise (until the air inside gets cold again).

What way can a hot air balloon travel?

A hot air balloon pilot has control over the vertical axis of flight only. By heating the air in the balloon, the pilot can control the vertical flightpath in an upwarddirection. By releasing hot air or by letting the air cool down, the pilot can affect the vertical axis of flight in a downward direction. Any other directional control (the horizontal flight path) is controlled by the wind. the only control the pilot has in the horizontal flight path is by taking the balloon up or down into the wind which flows in the direction the pilot wants to travel.

Can you bring an air compressor on a flight?

no it is a balloon

Why does the air change the shape and size of the balloon?

Because the air is coming inside the balloon.

What types of hot air balloon flight are there?

Only one. The type where the hot air balloon leaves the ground.

When was the first sucsessful hot air balloon flight?

The first untethered manned flight in a hot air balloon was accomplished on Novemebr 21, 1873, in Paris, France.

When you insert a balloon into a bottle and you pump air into the balloon why the balloon will not fill up the bottle?

Balloon will not fill up the full bottle in this experiment as the air is restricted by the walls of the balloon. Balloon is a solid so the air will take its shape.

How does balloon flight work?

By using a heat burner, hte balloon pilot makes the air in the balloon lighter than normal air. Then the balloon moves upward and moves with the wind.

How does the air in a balloon rocket affect its distance?


Does a balloon containing air change shape?


How do the air particles in a balloon give it its shape?

yes it does