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The size and shape of an object have a direct impact on its air resistance. Larger and bulkier objects experience more air resistance since they have a greater surface area coming into contact with the air. Objects with streamlined or aerodynamic shapes encounter less air resistance as they can move more smoothly through the air.

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Q: How does the size and shape of an object affect its air ressistance?
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Why doesn't changing an object's shape or size affect it's density?

Density is determined by the mass of an object and its volume. Changing the shape or size of an object alters its volume but not necessarily its mass, so the density remains constant. The distribution of mass within the object may change, but overall density remains the same.

What effect does size or shape have on the density of an object?

Size does not affect density, as density is a property that only depends on the mass and volume of an object. However, shape can impact density if the shape affects the volume of the object. A more compact shape will have a higher density compared to a more spread-out shape with the same mass.

How does the size of a striking object affect the size of the crater it creates?

The size of the striking object is directly proportional to the size of the crater it creates. A larger object will create a larger crater upon impact due to the increased energy and force involved. Additionally, the shape and density of the object also play a role in determining the final size and shape of the crater.

What freature of an object does not affect air resistance?

The internal composition or material of an object does not affect air resistance. Air resistance is mainly determined by an object's size, shape, and speed when moving through air.

What does inertia varies depend on?

Inertia varies depending on an object's mass. The greater the mass of an object, the greater its inertia. The shape and size of an object can also affect its inertia.

Related questions

Why doesn't changing an object's shape or size affect it's density?

Density is determined by the mass of an object and its volume. Changing the shape or size of an object alters its volume but not necessarily its mass, so the density remains constant. The distribution of mass within the object may change, but overall density remains the same.

What factors affect the amount of air resistance acting on an object?

shape, size, and speed

What effect does size or shape have on the density of an object?

Size does not affect density, as density is a property that only depends on the mass and volume of an object. However, shape can impact density if the shape affects the volume of the object. A more compact shape will have a higher density compared to a more spread-out shape with the same mass.

What three factors affect the amount of air resistance acting on an object?

shape, size, and speed

How will an object size and mass affect its terminal velocity?

The terminal velocity of a falling object depends upon its aerodynamics (which is to say, its shape) rather than its size and mass.

How does the size of a striking object affect the size of the crater it creates?

The size of the striking object is directly proportional to the size of the crater it creates. A larger object will create a larger crater upon impact due to the increased energy and force involved. Additionally, the shape and density of the object also play a role in determining the final size and shape of the crater.

What freature of an object does not affect air resistance?

The internal composition or material of an object does not affect air resistance. Air resistance is mainly determined by an object's size, shape, and speed when moving through air.

What does inertia varies depend on?

Inertia varies depending on an object's mass. The greater the mass of an object, the greater its inertia. The shape and size of an object can also affect its inertia.

What feature characteristic of an object does not affect air resistance?

The feature characteristic of an object that does not affect air resistance is the object's mass. Air resistance is determined by the object's shape, size, and speed through the air, but not its mass.

What 3 factors affect the amount of air resistance on an object?

Speed, shape and frontal cross-section. Viscosity, texture, friction, gravity, velocity, size, and shape can all affect air resistance.

How does the size and shape of a vibrating object affect the pitch of the sound?

The pitch of a sound is determined by the frequency of the vibrations. Larger objects tend to produce lower pitched sounds because they vibrate more slowly due to their size. The shape of the object can affect how the vibrations travel through it, which can also influence the pitch of the sound produced.

What changes the size or direction of an object?

The size and direction of an object can be changed by applying a force to it. Forces can cause objects to accelerate, decelerate, change shape, or change direction. Additionally, factors such as temperature, pressure, and external influences can also affect the size or direction of an object.