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Flowers are really there to reproduce. Firstly is cross pollination, to do this a flower needs to grab a bees/butterflies/birds attention. First of all, colour. Bees can only see ultraviolet light, so flowers use this to their advantage, by colouring their flower in ultraviolet, this makes them stand out. Secondly the flowers shape, the petals are designed to guide the pollinator to the pollen. Sometimes pollination is not done by animals, self pollination is also common, a flower simply reproduces by itself, it does this by producing pollen and using it, however this must be triggered by movement, this is usually done by wind so the flower would need to be light and big.

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Can someone help me use pollination self-pollination and cross-pollination in the same sentence?

Self pollination is when a flower pollinates itself with its own pollen and cross pollination is when a flower uses another flower's pollen.

How do insects help with pollination?

they carry pollen from flower to flower.

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Pollination of a flower takes place when?

Pollination occurs when the pollens from the anther of a flower is transferred to the stigma of the same or another flower. This is of two types- Self-Pollination(when the pollens from the anther of a flower are transferred to the stigma of the same flower or plant) and Cross-Pollination( when it gets transferred to the stigma of flower on another plant). Pollination is brought about by the help of various factors like insects, birds,wind, water.

What happen to the flower after pollination?

the pollination grow into

What happen to flower after pollination?

the pollination grow into

Distinguish between self-pollination cross-pollination?

The process of pollination from same flower is called self-pollination. the process of pollination from another flower of same breed is called cross-pollination.

What is self pollination and cross pollination?

If the pollen lands on stigma of the same flower, it is called self-pollination. When the pollen of a flower lands on the stigma of another flower of the same plant, or that of a different plant of the same kind, it is called cross-pollination.

What is the main Reproductive function of flower Petals?

It attract insects and insects help in pollination

Where do pollination is taking place?

self -pollination occurs within the same flower or same plant

Can you give me easy sentence using pollination?

Bees moving pollen from flower to flower is pollination.

When does pollination happens?

Cross pollination happens when the pollen of one flower is placed upon the stigma of another flower, whether of the same varietyor not.