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It doesn't ! The sun stays where it is - it's the rotation of the Earth that makes the sun appear to move.

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Q: How does the sun change its position during the day?
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What causes shadow to change during a day?

the position of the sun

How does the position of the sun change the temperature during the day?

when the sun is further away the colder it is make sense

What cause shadows to change position during the day?

when you move and when the sun angle changes

What is the cause of the change in the size and position of the shadows during the day?

The earth tilt toward the sun

How does the position of the sun appear to change during each day?

the moon goes round the sun and then it macks the su move

How do shadows change during a day?

Shadows occur when the Earth rotates and the position of the sun appears to change. Therefore, the position of the sun's rays hit the object at different angles causing a shadow to change shape.

Describe how the position of the sun appears to change over a day?

The position of the sun changes during the day due to the rotation of the Earth. As the Earth rotates the sun begins to move, changing from daytime to nigh time.

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Constellation change position during the night due to the earth's multiple motions, such as the wobble and rotations around the sun.

Why does the shadow of the tree keep changing its position?

Because of the position of the Sun during different times of the day

How does the sun change positions during the day?

It is not the sun that is changing positions. It's the Earth's revolving around the sun that is causing the change.

Why do the length and direction of shadows change during the day?

the lengths and direction of shadows change during the day because of some factors these are: 1) position of the earth facing the sun 2) time of the day 3) power of suns rays 4) place object is in 5) what object is around

Why do the lengths and directions of a shadow change during the day?

the lengths and direction of shadows change during the day because of some factors these are: 1) position of the earth facing the sun 2) time of the day 3) power of suns rays 4) place object is in 5) what object is around