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Q: How does the suns heat energy create weather on earth?
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What is geothemal energy?

It is were people use natural heat from inside the Earth to create energy. It can be use for heating buildings or to create steam to turn turbines which also create energy.

How does the Greenhouse Effect allow Earth to store Energy?

Heat is energy, and the greenhouse effect captures heat rising from the surface of the earth. This heat would otherwise escape into space. So the earth is storing extra energy in the atmosphere. This energy is used to power storms, winds and other weather "events".

Is all of the solar energy reaching the earth reflected back into space?

Yes, the sun is the source of energy for all weather due to the fact that weather is caused by collisions in temperatures and pressures. Without the sun, there would be no heat. Therefore, no weather.

How does the heat energy move through the Troposphere to create weather?

warm oust air rises where it cools and condenses into clouds

Why is it the sea is hot even the weather is cold?

because it receives heat energy from earth's inner mantle and crust

Where on earth is heat energy from the strongest?

where on the earth is heat energy from the sun the strongest

What does the sun's energy have to do with the weather?

The heat from the energy warms

How does the Sun create weather?

There would be no weather at all without the Sun. Heat and Light energy from the Sun keep the air in the Earth's atmosphere moving which directly and indirectly causes everything from wind and rain to fog ,snow and thunderstorms. The changing position of the Earth in relation to the Sun is responsible for much of the variation in climate on our planet.

How is geothermal energy an alternative energy?

Geothermal energy is a renewable source of energy because it can be re-used, unlike fossil fuels. Geo- means earth, and -thermal means heat. A power plant will use the heat energy found deep in the earth to create electricity. Since the thermal energy of the earth will never go away, geothermal energy is a renewable source.

Energy obtained from heat within the earth definition?

Energy from the earth's heat is called geothermal.

How does heat transfer and the water cycle together to create weather?

Heat transfer determines weather. The wind blows around to settle weather.

What is the major source of energy for the earths weather?

The major source of the earth energy is solar radiation, or more bluntly light and heat from the sun. Heat creates the differences in air masses and is responsible for most of there movement.