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· Soils change over time as they weather. Weathering in the soil takes place over thousands of years.

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Q: How does time affect soil development?
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soil development has 5 factors that affect its horizons. parent material, climate, biota, topography and time

How climate affect the development of soils?

The climate changes the development find if the soil will be harsh soft good for farming or not

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If there is a very cold, dry climate then the soil will not get the nutrients it needs to be heathly. But if the climate is warm and wet then the soil will be rich and full of nutrients.

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How does climate affect soil?

soil characteristics develop as a result of their oriqin and development soils beqins as a particular rock material and develops slowly over many years, each soil is a product of a combination of: parent material, climate. livinq orqanisms, topoqraphy and time.

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How does time affect soil?

· Soils change over time as they weather. Weathering in the soil takes place over thousands of years.

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Living "things" or Organisms can affect the characteristics of soil in many ways. Geographical location, pollution, the amount of living organisms in the soil, as well as any dead organisms in the soil will change its characteristics and development.