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Q: How does time effect soil in an area?
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The effect of soil type on grass growth?

the effect is what type of soil you get.

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the effect is that the soil will be pastures

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How does volcanoes effect the face of the earth?

the ash cloud covers the atmosphere and temperatures can drop in the area. the lava devastates everything in the area, causing later erosion to the soil.

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How does soil effect the air?

it doesn't effect the air

Does acid affect soil?

yes,acid does effect soil.

What process would negatively effect soil?

Soil Erosion.

What are some factors that effect the type of soil found in an area?

One of the factors that affects soil type is how close you are to an ocean or other body of water. As nearly everyone knows, beachfront property is often very sandy, and thus, being near a body of water will affect soil type. Another factor that will likely affect soil type in the area is volcanic activity. If there are active volcanoes in the area, the soil type will definitely be affected by the ash and volcanic rock. Yet another factor that can affect soil type is farming. If there is lots of farming in an area, it will affect all of the nutrients in the soil, and while this may not change the soil type, it will certainly affect the soil quality.

Does the dry soil have an effect on the plant life?

yes and it is effect